Saturday, March 18, 2006

Palestine Online Store

We take this opportunity to highlight the Palestinian woman's role in the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

Ahlan Wa Sahlan! (Welcome!)

The Palestine Online Store, launched in December, 2003, is a not-for-profit activist project striving to make Palestine-related materials more widely available. While the focus is on informational resources, other products such as apparel, handcrafts, and solidarity items are also featured.

Informational/educational resources, such as books and documentary films, are extremely powerful in raising awareness about the situation in Occupied Palestine. We are glad to have a wide selection of both films and books, which will continue to increase as we grow, and we encourage you to consider using some of the films to lend out to your friends and neighbors, helping educate them about the Palestinian issue.

Many of the items featured at the Palestine Online Store are actually fundraisers for grassroots organizations. Remaining profits, if any, are channeled to for developing new projects such as this one, with the same mission of increasing awareness about the Palestinian issue.


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