Sunday, March 5, 2006

Peace For Palestine

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


The idea for this page is to educate on the issue of why their’s a war in Palestine and the only out come for peace in the region is to have a FREE Palestine. My intention is not to point fingers at either side but to give a clear view of what the real issue is in regards to this situation.

According to the Talmud, there is not be a Jewish state until the return of the Messiah. That the creation of the “State of Israel” is against the teachings of Judaism. That by forcibly stealing the land in Palestine and the wonton extermination of an entire culture is against the laws of humanity.

It has been argued that the Palestinian people are lack of a better term is a type of squatters that has been on this land for only a very short period of time. The truth being these people are indigenous to this land and have been their for thousand’s of years. It has been recorded that the Palestinian people were living in this country even before the Jews became slaves in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq).

The Palestinian culture is nothing like the culture of their neighbors other then their language is Arabic and their religion is Islam. Their art, clothing designs are greatly prized in museums all over the world for it’s intricate detail and beauty that can only be found in this region. Even music that is outlawed in their own country at this time is strictly indigenousness to these people.

Even non-Zionist Jews or Orthodox Jews know that a forced occupation of Palestine is a crime against God and that the only outcome for the Jewish people is one of disaster.

You can not destroy trees in a region that is semi arid or bulldoze homes and kill live stock that is a person livelihood without backlash in some sort of manner.

Myself, I wish peace in the region for all whether, Jew, Christian or Muslim like God intended Palestine to be from the beginning.

Thank You!

After the truth what is there save error?
- Qur’an,10:32



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are terrorists, your will not win.
Killing innocent lives in the name of G-d?
I am sure your G-d does not approve of killing in his name.
The world will not accept your terror!
By supporting your new goverment, you are giving an excuse for others to kill you.
Hamas is Palestine's enemy.
Peace and diplomacy is the only way for a future for everyone.

These small group who create hate, are not the solution to peace.

You are smart why destroy the future of your children.

All races and people should be able to live together in peace.

- Mike

7:48 PM  

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