Thursday, March 30, 2006

The World Today

The World We Live In Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

There is much finger pointing in the world today especially since the tragedy of 11 September. I am not going to make what happened than any less tragic because any time someone dies it is a horrible thing. And remember the world cries when such a tragedy occurs. And just like everyone else, I watched my Television stunned at what happened that fateful day and I have to admit anytime a human life parishes it is destroying something Allah (God) created.

But terrorism (1) is not condoned by any Muslim any more then suicide is. A word more commonly used in the Islamic World is resistance (2) fighter. For example, Palestine is an occupied country with a foreign power in control with complete intent to exterminate an entire people known as the Palestinians. And the only form of self protection you get is a rise in Resistance Movements, a group for example, because they just went in to office recently is Hamas.

Many are horrified because Hamas will not recognize Israel, but under the circumstances with Israel constantly battering both Gaza and the West Bank daily in an attempt to destroy anything in regards to the Palestinian people, the only recourse to such a horrific situation is to fight back. It is written in the Quran that if you are in danger and your trees and homes are being destroyed you must protect yourself.

Many people do not know that Hamas has built hospital and schools, that these are average people with the only agenda are peace and survival. It is not always known also in the main stream, that numerous times the Palestinian people has came up with plans one after another for their to be peace in the region to suit both the Palestinian’s and the Israeli’s and each time the Israeli’s have refused. What I know of the Israeli’s that the only way their will be peace, is if the Palestinian people cease to exist.

The people of Palestine known as the Palestinians are an ancient people that have been in this region as far back as what the Christian’s call the Biblical times. In most documents prior the Christianized Era these people usually are known simply as the Arab people. Not taken into account that they are vastly different from their Arab neighbors. The definition of what makes up individual cultures in this world does apply to these people. Everything from dress to music is distinct to these people, the only thing they have in common with their Arab neighbors is they practice the Islamic religion and speak the common language of the region which is Arabic.

What makes a language many times common in a region is trade among countries and even in ancient times three main trade routes occurred because of Palestine's location at the center of routes linking three continents making it the meeting place for religious and cultural influences from Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor.

So hopefully we now understand the point of why there is unrest in this region, what we need yet to understand is that most Arab neighbors I think feel the Palestinians have a right to their own peaceful homeland.

Saddam Hussein would probably never win a popularity contest; but it was known that he did not agree with Israel politically. And many opinions in the world, is you not agree with Israel you get militarily attacked. Also being thrown around is that Israel would like all land from Lebanon all the way into Iraq; what they consider they say, is their ancient homeland over 2000 years ago. In my opinion, Israel either denies or does not take into account is this whole region prospered and continued when the Zionist ideology was still a myth.

Something else that was brought to my attention a few years ago was the Israeli’s wish the complete extermination of all Arab people reminiscent, to their own Holocaust during World War 2. And the growing problems of global hate groups I find appalling , for the simple reason for this to be a world with communication far better then anytime in history and yet people do not always know the truth of what is going on and follow blindly to anything that is told to them. And often times when something is trying to be explained to what could really be happening they seem to originate the deaf ear syndrome also. The main problem is the world has become so inter connected and this only happened one other time in history when some historians said we spoke the same language.

All inhabitants of the earth, are very unique and beautiful as well as their countries and just being one person living in this world, I find this uniqueness actually very enjoyable and fascinating. I have always taken it into consideration that we are supposed to take care of each other when we are in trouble and not throw rocks. But all through history, this has never happened; we through the rocks.

Also, there is a major problem with East and West having little or no understanding of each other or misinterpret each other’s cultures; putting it bluntly how each other thinks and lives. And the misunderstanding is astounding with this age of communication.

But again the average person in our modern times and I am saying globally has one major problem to, economics. We again are working harder and sometimes very long hours to try and support ourselves and families. So sometimes the need for information falls by the way side or the few are hearing and seeing what may be simply be a gross problem of misinformation.

I am not going to say there is not Terrorist in this in the world today, but I think many people are looking in the wrong direction and many people thinks they have a band aide to resolve the problem and myself I worry that the way things are now going that this is no longer possible. But to be honest, I hope to not only put a band aide on the wound but heal it as well in a way that satisfies all.

Myself, I have always had what I am wondering now as the short sighted opinion that like it was many centuries ago for example when their was an Islamic state no one hungered; everyone lived lives of prosperity in the known world. The European definition would be Utopia, which many have said is impossible; but it did occur and was known in the East as the Islamic state. Again, I am not advocating world domination and the creation of an Islamic State just the urgent need to uncover the black cloud that has blanked our whole earth.

This has also become the age that many people question if there is a God or argue what his name is. In my culture, He is known as Allah. And for those who throw out the slander that He is a moon god is sorely incorrect; any more then the names the rest of the world in their languages refer to the One True God of all creation. Also, I have found in many parts of the world a serious degenerative morality problem which breeds some serious problems not only for themselves but for their society as well as the rest of the world. And one problem that weighs heavy on my heart is the growing problem of Atheists because some religions no longer follow the original tenets handed down by God Himself. Or lastly, the growing numbers who question their religion they grew up with, such as the Catholics, with the numbers of priests who have been indicted of the years for child molestation.

(1)Terrorism is a word that was violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes.

(2) Resistance is a secret nationalist force fighting occupation: an illegal secret organization that fights for national freedom against an occupying power, especially one that fought in France, the Netherlands, Denmark, or Italy during World War II
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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