Sunday, March 26, 2006


May 22, 2003

Jenin - Israeli occupation troops shot dead a 12-year-old Palestinian boy on Thursday in a village near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, Palestinian security sources said.

Kamal Nawarda was killed when Israeli troops carrying out an incursion in Yammun opened fire on a group of stone-throwing youths, the sources said. Israeli occupation troops routinely kill Palestinian civilians, taking advantage of the virtual absence of international protests and virtual American acquiescence to the killing. Nawarda's death rose to 3,261 the number of people killed in the Palestinian uprising which broke out in September 2000, including 2,459 Palestinians and 742 Israelis, according to an AFP count.

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Neo-Nazi Jews
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Jewish Nazis raise heil in Israel


Hamas, Islamic Jihad - and now Jewish Nazis.
As if they didn't have enough trouble with Palestinian militants, Israelis now have to contend with threats from a homegrown neo-Nazi group called Israeli White Unity.

And they don't just hate Arabs - they hate their fellow Jews as well.

Worse, they've infiltrated the Israeli Army and operate a Russian-language Web site on which they deny the Holocaust, make concentration camp jokes - and maintain links to other neo-Nazi groups elsewhere.

"It's not a big group, but unfortunately it's there," said Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Task Force Against Hate.

Israeli officials have launched an investigation into the group, whose members are recent immigrants from Russia.

"They immigrated as Jews, but you have to understand the question of who is a Jew is not as clear-cut as in the U.S.," Weitzman said. "You have people who claimed Jewish ancestry to get out of Russia but who aren't all that Jewish."

Last night, the group's Web site, which is routed through a server in Holland, was shut down. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published photos of White Unity members wearing Israeli Army uniforms and giving Nazi salutes.

Originally published on June 24, 2003


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