Friday, July 14, 2006

"Just Tuppence a Bag," Never Loose Hope

“Bird Lady, selling breadcrumbs, tuppence a bag, on the steps of St. Paul's.”

by Housewife4Palestine

In times of sorrow, fear and pain
Think when you were happy
The world will not be as gloomy
For tomorrow the sun will shine again.


Something I do not like to talk about much, but when I was a much younger woman I had the great displeasure of being tortured; in the process I had numerous broken bones that some way they mended the best they could with out medical attention.

I do not know about other people that have gone through similar but when you are going through a nightmare like this, you can think of the strangest things to give you that little glimmer of hope to survive such a horrendous thing.

Like the saying, you look for that light at the end of the tunnel going from extreme conditions sometimes this is the very thing you have to do for a few reasons like the old saying to live to fight another day, if you die the one that hurt you wins and most of all to keep your sanity through all the craziness.

When I was older and several doctor’s later, after I did survive they thought it was amazing because most people to go through such extreme conditions usually does go insane or is found dead.

But one can destroy parts of you physically and they mend, but I do have to admit I ended up with Rheumatoid Arthritis and mentally I am perfectly normal. Mainly, I think because I did know tomorrow, just had to be better and Allah does protect.

With a sigh, I just have to remember to take my medicine for my Arthritis.


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