Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saddam letter: 'Leave Iraq'

July 21, 2006

BAGHDAD, Iraq Saddam Hussein is writing to Americans, calling on them to -- as he put it -- "Save your country and leave Iraq."In the letter released by Saddam's contacts in Jordan, the former Iraqi leader says President Bush and pro-Israel groups lied to justify the Iraq war, and that Iran helped facilitate the aggression.

The letter refers to a lack of evidence about weapons of mass destruction and claims the Bush administration is still lying about its reasons for what he terms the "rush on the road of aggression."

Saddam also says the administration's "reckless behavior" has so badly tarnished America's reputation that a U-S citizen "can not walk outside America unless he has a mine detector."

Saddam's trial on human rights abuses and atrocities resumes Monday.


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