Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mujahideen Shura Council Release Video showing the Burning of 2 US Soldiers

September 23, 2006


It is kind of interesting, I attempted to take a vacation because of a needed change and what do I hear and see, some American’s talking that everything is going so much better in Iraq, which I know is not so and never will be as long as there is an occupation force there.

But it looks like the Resistance is stepping up their efforts to get the occupiers to back off on the history they are creating in a country that really doesn’t wish them there, so here we go a video showing the Shura Council with two dead American Soldier’s dragging them behind a small pick-up and then setting them on fire.

When will Bush get the hint that he is making two many people angry with his repetitions and not backing off the occupation of a country that actual did nothing, to have to be subjected to occupation and in return learning from their enemies in fighting back.

How bad does it have to get before it stop’s, the whole world dead?

Bush talks about a war on terror when it looks like he is created it not stopping it.

The web site that posted this video, says it is related to one from July 10, myself I do not see any tie.


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