Saturday, November 25, 2006

Majority of Israeli settlers in Sderot plans to flee, as Olmert's popularity sharply shrinks

November 25, 2006

Nazareth - A fresh public opinion survey conducted in the Israeli settlement of Sderot revealed that a state of extreme fear was engulfing the settlers there spurred by daily shelling of the settlement with the Palestinian locally-made resistance missiles.

Senior IOF officers acknowledged the accuracy and affectivity of those missiles increased and that they see no solution for those rockets for the time being, inviting Israeli settlers in Sdeort to "accept the reality".

But the settlers thought otherwise as 66% of them expressed willingness to leave the settlement immediately to spare their lives.

The picture was different in the Palestinian side as the more the IOF troops shell them with sophisticated weapons the more they adhere to their homes and their lands.

The settlers accused the Israeli occupation government of ignoring them and of undermining their concerns, charging, "Had those Palestinian missiles hit Israeli settlements in the Israeli depth where western and rich Jews live the government would have reacted otherwise".

Mass exodus was recorded in Sderot settlement in the past few days as the Jewish Russian billionaire Arkady Gaydamak rented busses to transport the settlers to safer places in the resort city of Eilat (its Palestinian name is Um Al-Rashrash) on the Red Sea.

Olmert licks his wounds:
The fragile security in Sderot and in the nearby Israeli settlements in the Negev region in southern Palestine sent popularity of Israel's premier Ehud Olmert to lowest rate ever as it shrank to 7% only.

Government of the embattled Olmert was desperately attempting to find a solution to the Palestinian missiles but failed. A political rift between him and his war minister Amir Peretz was obvious over the best way to deal with the Palestinians. Peretz was reportedly pushing for a political solution with the Palestinians; but Olemrt still thinks otherwise.

Meanwhile, the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, announced Saturday that its fighters rocked the Israeli Zikim colony with one of their home-made missiles in addition to firing a number of the locally-made mortar shells at IOF troops' positions in northern Gaza Strip.

In a military communiqué it issued in this regard and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC, the armed wing affirmed that the missile attacks were in retaliation to the IOF troops' brutality against the Palestinian people.


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