Sunday, November 19, 2006

Religious Persecution or Let’s Burn the Habit

Burqas on display as part of a headscarf exhibition in Amsterdam, February 28, 2006. The Dutch government agreed on Friday a total ban on the wearing of burqas and other Muslim face veils in public, justifying the move on security grounds. REUTERS/Paul Vreeker

November 18, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

The above is actually a picture and caption indicating a display to illustrate the Dutch government banning burqa’s in public, I am sorry to tell who ever used this picture these are not burqa’s but hijabs and under scarves for hijabs and has nothing to do with a burqa.

While will say I do not agree with any government banning religious wear of any sort for what ever excuse is on the plate today and especially when it seems that anything to do with Islam and the respect of religion seems to be a main stay on that plate.

A traditional extra long size Saudi style double layered burqa.

Suggesting the banning of any religious garment is like I heard not long ago tell a nun she can not wear parts of her habit or standing in the church grounds in her under slip, which no due disrespect I know any of these women would not.

Therefore, this is just strictly my opinion mind you, while Islam is being so tested and persecuted in so many Western corners of the globe and will stand the test of time like Islam always has. When is those same people that is banning this and saying no to that when it comes to religion, going to insist that priest’s, nuns or any religious person is banned from practicing their religion are wearing religious garments and believe me this is making a dark day in society.

Woman in an Afghan burqa walking. Must be understood that most women who wear a burga, do wear the more Saudi style.

For those people outraged for the banning of anything to do with a person’s religion, I will admit I do not blame them especially when in the 21 century; I thought society had out grown the dark ages.

How much further can humanity today, fall into degradation and implosion before we cease to be a society?


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