Saturday, November 11, 2006

Reveal the Truth

It is the responsibility of all media outlets and agencies to cover the atrocities carried out by the Israeli army as fairly and accurately as possible. Do not shirk your duties as reporters and journalists.

The world must know the truth

Ever since Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared war on the Palestinian people, Israeli forces have so far attacked the Palestinian towns of Gaza, Byet hanoon, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Ramallah, and Bethlehem etc…

The Israeli army has killed up to 95 Palestinians in less than 10 days , using the most sophisticated American weaponry. It has forbidden ambulances and medical aid from reaching the wounded, who are left to bleed to death.

Israel has forbidden humanitarian relief from reaching Palestinians under siege for ten days running, with no source of food, water, electricity, or medicine.

Palestinians are not even allowed to bury their dead…!!

Israel is fighting media coverage of the aggression on Palestinians. Arab, European and American media have been attacked severely by the Israeli occupation army to force them to leave the area of aggression so that they would not cover the Israeli atrocities which pose a constant danger on the residents of the occupied cities.

Please, Do Not buckle under the pressure of the Israeli army – report the facts so that the world can see what the Israeli army is doing to the Palestinians.


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