Sunday, November 5, 2006

Those Who Perpetrate Death Will See Death Themselves

by Housewife4Palestine

I heard it said once, ‘that you live by the sword you die by the sword’ or ‘those who perpetrate death will see death themselves,’ it seems those who have yelled the loudest that they where descendants and survivors of a holocaust of the past are doing the very same to a people that at one time welcomed the Zionist or any Jew to live side by side with us in peace.

Therefore, what do we have underhanded buying of documents and the theft of a country known as Palestine, not Israel!

A holocaust is one of the most horrendous acts man can impose on another and this very thing is happening in Palestine to a whole people.

I know in my heart the Palestinian people scattered unlike the Jewish people to the four winds as refugee’s pray in silence for peace to come to this blood running land and the sorrow on everyone’s face is far greater then any sorrow that may come to a heart in a lifetime.

Many people ask why this has come this far that so many people are dying and there is a war in this small Holy country, the answer is actually simple, the Zionist wanted the land at the expense of the people already indigenous to this country. The people indigenous to this country are Jew, Christian and yes Muslim. All under the banner of Palestinian!

While those of you who support Israel, you are also to blame for the deaths of not just Muslim Arabs, but also the Jews and Christians that have been living in Palestine for thousands of years. I realize you think you just see Palestinian Muslims dying but what you do not comprehend I think is that many people that are apart of this world in many ways look and dress alike unless they came to Palestine in latter times.

While some of you may sit back and condone the murders of the Palestinian people, you also are doing the same for those same Christians and Jews; no one is safe from the Zionist. This was proven with their history and invasion's to date.

If you really wish global peace and prosperity for yourself and your children stop the wars, stop the murders; because that is really, what is happening. For global peace to be achieved with no poverty and the real expansion of humankind to be peace and love among all people is mandatory.

So stop sitting back and saying there is nothing I can do, in every way possible say no more and do something that you know in your heart that is truly right and just, because in the future the life you save may be your own?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful! I just found a new and related item on Google. It is "Roots of (Warlike) Christian Zionism." I hope that others will want to run it also. It does not have a copyright notice. Thanks for your great blog! Mack

5:44 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Thank you for appreciating my blog. I found a little of what you was speaking about, but not exactly; I think. I would be very interested if by chance you have the exact link to what you was referring too.

Please come again and you are very welcome.

5:42 PM  

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