Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yes, It's a Baby

November 30, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

I went to the doctor yesterday and I am going to have a baby. I am not having an easy pregnancy and have to be in bed a lot these days. Therefore, I do apologize that everything may be a little slow.

I do also have a very bad liver infection and as I am writing this, the doctor does not know what type yet or what the remedy is at this time.

I am to have an ultrasound next Thursday to see what is necessary to help the baby and me.

The baby is fine, just me as a new Mother is having a little bit of a rough patch for the time being.

My husband on being a new father again is so happy he is making everything for me as easy as possible. As for talking about the baby, he is so ecstatic he sounds more like a chattering chipmunk then a man who is going to be a father of seven.

As for names, we do already have a boy and girl name picked out and inshaallah everything is going to be fine for us.

I wish the best for everyone!


Blogger LanceThruster said...

My warm and sincere hope for you, your family, and your loved ones, now and in the future. My you all come to know peace in the region and in your lives because you have sought to make your goodness known throughout the world. May the people of the world seek to show their goodness by supporting you and your people in the quest for justice and peaceful co-existence with your neighbors and the world community. Please pass along a warm and loving welcome to your new child when he or she arrives.

From your friend across the sea, LanceThruster

9:14 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


This is so nice and when the baby arrives I will tell them of your kindness.

Hardnest part for me is not just my medical problems right now, but the fact another baby born who has to be a refugee and this weighs heavy on me.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Merete said...

Congratulations!! That is some great news, I am so happy for you! :-D Any new life is just a little miracle. To feel the new life grow inside of you is a fantastic feeling. Very exciting, so nice to hear your husband is happy too. Guess your child will be lucky to grow up with two loving parents and a whole bunch of siblings! Lucky you to have so many baby sitters!
Hope the problem with the liver will soon be healed so you can enjoy your pregnancy to the max!

12:24 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Thank you so very much. I did have to laugh about the remark of all the babysitter's because the children are very happy they are going to have a new sister or brother.

As for my liver problem for now the doctor is scaring me a bit because he says he is more concentrating on the liver infection right now then the baby which is very bothersome and I do not think I need the stress.

I had a little upset today which had me call for medical help and the nice lady understood my worries and told me what to do as well as saved me a trip to the hospital.

As for the baby, I am happier then I know how to express and like any mother wishes the best medical care and nothing go wrong and Allah willing I will be ok.

I am so looking foreword to the baby coming here and I never thought that being pregnant and the way a baby even reacts and has you do things just gives you and idea the kind of person they are right now and it is so amazing.

I even laugh sometimes especially when it comes to food what seems to be their likes and dislikes. One thing in my favor they seem to crave only healthy foods. :)

12:56 AM  
Blogger LanceThruster said...

H4P - As if the medical problems were not enough of a burden in and of themselves. You show great stoicism (the ability to hold up in difficult times/situations) in dealing with the tragic realities of your status. And as a loving mother, must worry yourself sick over the future prospects for your children as well as the sadness over being robbed of your heritage and what it means to them in their understanding of their cultural identity. That's why a simple message of love and concern seems appropriate in that sometimes the children must get the feeling that no one cares or that everyone around them thinks of them as not being as good as others who are not Palestinian.

Tell each and every one of your children, and family and friends and neighbors, that you all have the courage of lions and patience and resiliance far beyond what anyone could possibly imagine and should know that you should have great pride in not buckling in the face of great injustice and abuse. You are smack dab in the middle of an ongoing conflict that to the rest of the world often seems just an item in the newspaper. You must navigate the waters of anger and despair that must arise on many occasions, and consult with your neighbors to work towards a resolution in a peaceful non-violent manner. I'm sure you have heard arguments calling for more forceful action and I don't think it can be said that it would always be easy to dismiss such tactics, and yet you press on.

New life is about the continuation of the genetic heritage of you and your husband, and your family and cultural roots. You are obviously from good stock and must have a lot of pride in your children. I hope you are able to maintain your health and your sanity as I'm sure there are a whole host of obstacles from money to travel to the dangers of the current cycle of unrest. Please get much needed rest, and have those children able to help you know what a blessing they are to their mother.

11:07 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Thank you for what you had to say.

When I was growing up in a foreign country I say this because it was not Palestine, for we where told we could not return home until our country was free. I think especially now because of the occupation of Jerusalem for the most part.

My mother use to tell her children to always hold our heads and never be ashamed of who we where. Even when anyone tried to hurt us to never forget who we are.

That which is happening to me now is just something I need to go through for the time being as they said a kind of test. This is the part where you and I are different because from the time I was a very small child I have always believed in the existence of God. Not because of any structured means because of the things, I have seen and understand.

While we do have choices in this life, I do think some things in this life do happen for a reason. As for my children, I love each and every one of them as if they were the most precious people God could have ever given to me in my care.

While I am Muslim, I believe it is what God wished me to be or I would have been born to a different culture and a different family. While Islam has a structure, the basic’s are to teach each person to be the very best person they know how to be and while this is important to me, what has always been more important is my faith because I have survived tortures, to many type’s of inhumane thing’s; I think one person could do to another.

You speak of me being a Stoic person, while other people have said I am the strongest person they have ever seen to be able to do and have done in my life. So you know I can not see this because it just has been my life and I have learned from it, while some people would have died or been destroyed in some manner I endured to make what created these types of situations better or bring them to the fore front with the hope that anyone who is or has endured anything that is against being humane would stop.

For I to, believe that people regardless of who they are should live in peace, as well as side by side because we are suppose to appreciate all aspects of who everyone is in the world and while we have difference’s this just makes that person, or culture unique.

Myself I admire the many people in the world, as for the problem that now is being label Islamophobic or any war or injustice to me I find irreprehensible because it was never to be like this.

7:00 PM  
Blogger LanceThruster said...

H4P - I understand. Fogive me my ignorance for presuming you lived in Palestine. I hope all who wish to return to their homeland are someday able to do so.

1:09 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


It is a situation in a way, I can visit Palestine, even have a very beautiful home there with much family still; but the city I came from I can not live there until the liberation of my country. It has been like this prior to 1948.

There is many Palestinians just like me scattered all over the world, waiting for the day we can go home and live in Peace.

As for you saying that those of us who wish to return someday can, I thank you very much because there is many of us that never like being a refugee in foreign countries and would very much wish to go home.

1:39 AM  

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