Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Muslim Woman Attacked in America

December 26, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

Something that was brought to my attention by a cousin yesterday, on how the majority of attacks against Muslims that are occurring in America seem to be towards women and she wondered why because it is becoming a big issue among Muslim woman.

The amount of attacks seems to be growing into epidemic proportions and as the static’s may not show all of these attacks because many are not being reported mainly with the fear of repercussions towards many Muslims who are living in America on the cloud of fear of these repercussions.

One question that seems to be a puzzle in many women’s minds is why them?

Most Muslims especially those who wear full Islamic dress and should be highly respected for doing so, are the main targets.

I was thinking, when I spoke to her that is because Muslim women more appear like what American’s are viewing in the news and the old adage that they are the weaker sex.

Many Muslim men dress in Western attire and seem to be able to come and go relatively hidden from view. While I do not have any information at this time for those men who choose to wear Islamic attire as being harmed also.

The reports of these attacks tend to be people of many walks of life in America, but the majority are people of low morality with ill regard’s for human life.

There is a growing saying among American Muslims that it is hard to tell who the enemy is.

If you are asking are Muslims being killed in America, the answer is yes.

Other incidents that seems to be the growing norm in America, is Muslim women being approached for questions that is puzzling many American’s; what is the truth towards what is really gong on with the global issue’s and what we as a people are really like.

Most people come away appreciating us as Muslim’s and many have expressed we are a very kind good people. That the propaganda treadmill in America while it may be fusing hatred, is also creating doubts.

Further Reading:

An American and Muslim Speaks About Women Being Attacked in America


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have not visted my blog in months. stop by some time and let me know what you think..peace.

7:30 AM  
Blogger All_I_Can_Stands said...


When I saw the title of this post I became determined to follow any links of evidence you had and create a post against these attackers. I was disappointed not to see any link.

I would readily denounce any attacks on anybody for their faith or appearance, and was ready to say so.

I have not heard of any attacks that have made it to the public radar screen. As in any country there are enough in the US that are low income, low intelligence, mentally unstable or other conditions that cause them to attack people. There are such crimes daily against those who happen to be of Christian, Jewish, or Muslim faiths. Or against those that are of no faith at all. I have not seen any reports or statistics showing crimes against Muslims rising above the crimes against everybody else.

5:13 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


If you read closely this is first hand reporting, not just information from the net. So as to links their may not be any, because like I said this is first hand reporting cooperated by a number of Muslim women. Otherwise, this is journalism pure and simple.

In addition, when I had traveled within certain parts of America, I have had similar problems.

As for statistics, if again you read many of these cases are not being report out of fear of repercussions due to the fact so much rhetoric occurring towards Muslims as a whole.

Most of the information towards these attacks is being spoken among the woman themselves and some have even expressed their problem towards family members as well as friends.

While I do not know amount of other woman being attacked in America, these cases appear to be racial motivated then anything else.

You may do what you wish in regards to something of this magnitude, but the fact is it is occurring and since 9/11 is becoming an epidemic.

7:25 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


I may have visited and not said anything because right at this moment, I forgot which blog page is yours; I am sorry to say.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh. Ok i will try to send it to u somehow..

8:40 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Thank you

2:39 PM  

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