Thursday, December 14, 2006

Time Magazine Found a Hate Filled Threadbare Rug

December 13, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

Time magazine came out with an article December 10, titled“The Big Lie About the Middle East,” where all the global conflicts particularly that the conflict in Iraq and the plight of the Palestinians for example are not connected; when in fact all the conflicts that is occurring today has one root and that is Palestine.

Better yet, the Zionist government with the bottom kisser’s America.

It does not take an Einstein to figure this one out or anyone with the last two marbles rolling around in their skull! While there is a factor of profit in all these wars and not by the victims either, but anytime you have extermination of a culture or religion wake up they are connected.

Why do you think, I talk about the events or wars in the last few years from everything from Palestine, Iraq, to Afghanistan because they are connected. Anyone that knows anything about war or forensics knows that the situations all have the same toe tag.

While Lisa Beyer, who wrote the article might claim to be an authority in the Middle East. I am sorry to say, she fell short of the bus stop and landed in the sewage that flows by the curb with the apparently lack of knowledge to her subject or her extreme narrow mindness to what the real issues are in the Middle East.

I find that the gallant people that do serious blog pages on the Middle East issues will understand what I am talking about a lot more then Beyer.

Her article from the perspective I read, was more slander then good journalism and for Time Magazine to run such dribble just show's their screening department is vastly slipping.

I would hope in the future that such a good Magazine would be more particular in the articles they publish, because articles such as this hurts the media not help.

As for any other substance of this article it did not have any, think I'll get a glass of water?

In addition, Ms Beyer, as a suggestion, I would stop the martini lunches.


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