Friday, January 5, 2007

U.S. Government is in Israel

Our Real Government Is in Israel

Sun Apr 13 2003

by Annie Oakley

I watched Colin Powell speaking to AIPAC (the Israeli lobby) on a morning C-Span show. I almost threw up. He announced that the U.S. is immediately giving Israel $1 Billion to assist their economy which this war has impacted. The Jews stood and applauded loudly. With a big smile, he said, "And that's not all. The president has asked for an additional $9 Billion in loan guarantees" (which means a non-repayable grant since the Cramden bill -passed some years back- guarantees adequate U.S. grants to pay any Israeli debt. Israel pays us back not one cent -- ever). Cheering and loud applause ensued from the audience.

Then Powell in effect threatened war on Iran. He said they were gaining strength as a threat to Israel. The Jews jumped up and cheered, applauding with the greatest enthusiasm. Powell's speech left the impression the US is taking on the entire Middle East and handing it over to Israeli rule.

Anyone who doesn't see that our real government is in Israel isn't paying attention or is too timid to face the truth.

In contrast to Colin Powell, who has apparently sold his soul for a high political appointment, there is a much more credible military expert, General Barry McCaffrey. When asked, at the start of this "Operation Iraqi Freedom," what he would do if ordered to go in with only the military forces which Rumsfeld determined were "very adequate," he answered, "If I had the nerve, I'd just refuse." An article in USA Today (Ref. 1) stated "One of the TV pundits, retired Army General Barry McCaffrey, made clear Tuesday that he has no intention of submitting to a Pentagon gag order." The gag order of course is not intended for military secrecy, but rather to avoid embarassment for the incompetent military planning of Rumsfeld.

The same article noted "The combative McCaffrey, on the Today show on Tuesday, bristled when host (die hard liberal) Katie Couric referred to 'armchair generals.' Remember, Katie, I'm not an armchair general,' he said. 'I've had three combat tours and been wounded three times.' Of course Bush, Fleischer, Perle and Wolfowitz are never criticized by Katie as possibly... chickenhawks, who never saw combat, but who won't hesitate to send American soldiers into an ill-advised war and dangerous occupation purely for the benefit of Israel.

When I see the control the Jews hold over our nation today, the way they control our wealth, publishing, media, entertainment, news and even our law and courts, I can see why Germany wanted the Jews out. The descriptions of the Jews and their antics, as expressed by Goebbels, are just as accurate today as they were then in Germany. The only difference is that Americans let the Jews get away with everything.

Our young troops are fighting in terrible circumstances, and some are dying, in Iraq, all for the sake of the most brutal, self-serving, parasitic and illegal nation on earth. The only excuse for this war was that George Bush thought Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Since when is a war "justified" by what weapons a nation has? This is the first time a war based on this insane premise has taken place. Israel has hundreds of H-bombs and is working on a bio-weapon with the goal of killing only Arabs. (Ref. 2) Did we demand that Israel dismantle this excessive arsenal or stop work on their genocide bomb? No. We picked a fight with a nation, that has -at most- only chemical weapons --and no way to launch them at the U.S. It boils my blood that Zionist criminals and their puppets have pushed my country into an unjust war.


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