When the East Met the West in Love
January 25, 2007
by Housewife4Palestine
I wished to show this letter that was sent to me in response of an article I wrote about a misconception many people have of us as Palestinian’s and the recent attack against me called, "Do Palestinian's Teach Hate?".
The person who sent this letter is Native American and for the life of me, I wish never to disrespect these people in any manner.
The plight of the native American’s has been compared numerous time’s to what is happening in Palestine, I will even go as far as say many people including myself have seen the same thing in great sorrow.
Because of the close comparison, I had event went so far as to learn all I could towards these people in the West and as their heart goes out to me; I have always felt the same towards them.
As the letter speaks, of our differences, it also speaks of how much we are alike and I do have to agree in numerous points if anyone cares to actually read the history of the two cultures.
There is a million things I wish I could say to the writer of this letter, but the best I can give because of the tears that I have shed for them is their love their friendship and feel for them the same as they do for us.
That they would always be welcome to my home because of what I have always known of these people and the respect I do have for them.
Any people that have been put in the position of these types of wars get so used to being kicked, that it is sometimes hard from the outside world to see the trueness of love that some have for us. One thing I have learned lately is that we should not quite be so, but again it is hard because the enemy comes in so many directions’ you sometimes do not know if they have an olive branch or a gun. Therefore, what do you do, stay in a type of protection mode, which may sometimes not be the right way to be, but sometimes when you let down your guard that is when the enemy seems to attack. So what can one do?
Going for the recent attack by the questionable Zionist against me, I did not get ill because of the initial attack, but the fact they may see the deep parts of hell.
Someone who I love and trust very much mentioned the pressure we live under and I have thought and thought about this. I even went as far as ask my husband if these women intended to murder the baby and me by upsetting me. His answer was yes.
I know we are not supposed to just get angry for the idea of being so, but I did get angry for as I felt a good reason. I actually started feeling better. And it seemed many of my other problems started to resolve it’s self the moment I understand that sometimes what people do and where they go is strictly up to them to change and be good or not. That sometimes you can not help them. The best I can say, Allah help them before it is to late.
As for my new friend, I am so happy and how you are so right.
The Letter:
To Housewife4Palestine:
Your writing touched my heart deeply. I sit here in front of this screen feeling your grief and pain. I know it well. You and your peoples are the twin of me and my peoples - in all our diversities as the cultures we two come from. I love our differences as I love our sameness. Twins in sorrow and grief and the war that never ends upon us. Please, in all deep love for your culture from mine, accept my love and friendship.
It is your children that so breaks my heart in a million million pieces for the GIFT OF OUR GRAND CREATOR they all are. I am and will be in grieving til that day we who are called the "two-legged ones" put everything we are as humans into stopping the evil of war and those who are drunk with its mental illness - tainting all our earth with violent bloodshedding of innocent ones - until that day comes, I will stand in solidarity beside your people who so endure what my people have also endured and still endure in a more silent and subtle way.
I will forever speak of the wonderful humanity and beauty of the peoples of Palestine. I have many more things to say and hope through offering my friendship, we may talk of many other things. I want to share the hungers of our hearts that we so deeply desire for our peoples both. Just to share your life and mine would be a great privilege.
My name is Deennaa in my language and I am what you in the east call a "red Indian". I am from the Dene peoples of Alaska USA. The CREATOR of us all knows my prayers and feelings are fiercely for you.
With great and unblind love for you and your people I remain.
The Truth About "the White's," a Native American Perspective
I wish you to know I am so happy to know you and it so many thing's I do agree and thank you for your wisdom.
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