A Zionist Named Anonymous
January 31, 2007
by Housewife4Palestine
Every so often, I like to share the real hatred that is affecting the Israel/Palestinian conflict, the person that wrote this hid under the guise of anonymous, which many Zionist like to do for the simple fact they hope that anyone that reads their hatred not know them.
That smoke screen that has blanket the world far to long, should be lift higher and higher until it doesn’t exist any more as these masked figure’s that are only hidden in our nightmare’s that one day the light will appear and you will no longer see them.
Most of the remarks made by this Zionist are falsified statements that are common among them; I have been told it is justification for what they are doing, to a form of brain washing.
Whatever this person’s main intent, which from what I have seen was the sole intention to insult me.
I will do my best to address the issues mentioned to the best of my abilities.
First, I do not cover India, because my main concentration has been more to the Middle East. For the simple fact I do not have a global staff to cover many of the numerous issue's affecting different parts of the world. In addition, I formally have always believed the major hot spot in the world is Palestine, and I am not alone in this assumption.
They mentioned stoning for adultery in Pakistan. Not so far back in history, stoning for Adultery, was practiced in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Islam still as it as a law, because Adultery is considered a major crime against the foundation of marriage. Adultery destroys marriages as well as causes often time’s great harm to children.
Personally, I wish some other method could be used for Adultery, but I do feel it is a crime and should be treated with something as simple as shunning.
Now to the remark about anti-Semitism, which I find most interesting since the Palestinians, like the Jew’s are both Semitic in origin.
As for the political aim of the Palestinian government, since I am not apart of the government nor their main aim is because, I do not have my ears to their walls.
Any Children harmed by anyone, will appear on this page, if this person bothered to delve deep they would have seen.
As for any thing in regards of a so called state of Israel, which I will redally admit I do not recognize anything more then an occupation force that has raided in a country known as Palestine.
Which Zionist I am sure would claim they only have done this once, when in fact they did it twice.
What is fascinating to me is this person speaks about the Palestinian side of the wall, to a Palestinian of what we do or do not do. What he mention’s I have never seen nor was ever taught to me.
As for Jenin, it is a proven fact that a massacre, did occur. Just ask any Human Right’s group, they will attest to this atrocity, if this person in their attempt to falsify claims by the Palestinian’s. I am sure they cannot from the global community.
As for accusing me of racism, this is one thing I have never been and again if they would bother to read they will find I stand up against any form of racism because it is not acceptable in regards to any living soul.
One thing I noticed this person did not mention is when the came upon the soil of Palestine, that they not only murdered Muslim’s, but Christians and Jew’s.
What I find those who question truth, have troubles knowing what is the truth themselves.
كل ذلك كثيرا ما أحب ان نسبة الكراهية الحقيقية التي تؤثر في نزاع الاسرائيلي الفلسطيني ، الشخص الذي كتب هذا اختبأ تحت ستار اسمه ، كثير الصهيوني الى مثل ذلك لمجرد ان احد وآمل ان يقرأ عن كراهيه لا نعرفهم. ان دخان الذي بطانيه العالم الى وقت ، ينبغي رفع أعلى وأعلى حتى لم يعد لها وجود مثل هذه النسبه في حين انه مجرد كابوس أعمالنا كلها في آن واحد في اليوم في ظل وستظهر لك لن نراها. معظم الملاحظات التي ابدتها هذه الصهيونية هي التي زورت البيانات المشتركة بينهم. وقد قيل لي انه يبرر ما يفعلونه ، الى شكل من غسل الدماغ. اي شخص لهذا الهدف الرئيسى الذى من ما شاهدته هو مجرد نية الاساءه الى شخصي.
وسأبذل قصارى جهدي لمعالجة القضايا المذكورة الى افضل ما لدي من قدرات. أولا ، لا تغطي الهند لان هدفي الرئيسي كان التركيز أكثر على منطقة الشرق الاوسط. لمجرد انه ليس لدى الموظفين العالمية لتغطية العديد من عديد المساله تمس مختلف انحاء العالم. كما اود رسميا ان يكون دائما اهم النقاط الساخنه في العالم هي فلسطين ولست وحيدا في هذا الافتراض. وذكر الرجم بتهمة الزنى في باكستان. حتى لا يعود تاريخ والرجم في الزنا ، وكان يمارس في اليهودية والمسيحيه والاسلام. فالاسلام ما زال فيها ، لان الزنا يعتبر جريمه كبرى ضد مؤسسة الزواج. الزنا اركان الزواج وغالبا ما يسبب ضررا كبيرا للوقت للاطفال. شخصيا ، أتمنى طريقة اخرى يمكن استخدامها في الزنا ولكني ارى انها جريمه وينبغي التعامل مع الأمر ببساطة التجنب.
الى ان الملاحظه حول معاداه الساميه ، والذي اجد الاهم منذ الفلسطينيين مثل اليهودي للسامية هي في الاصل. اما الهدف السياسي للحكومة الفلسطينية ، بما انني لا من جانب الحكومة عن الهدف الرئيسي ، هو أنني لا أرى الآذان على الجدران. اي الاطفال من كل اذى وسترد على هذة الصفحه اذا كان هذا الشخص عناء الغوص العميق وشاهدنا. عن اي شيء بالنسبة لدولة ما يسمى اسرائيل اولا ريداللي اعترف انني لا تعترف بأي شيء أكثر من ذلك فقوات الاحتلال قد اقتحمت فى بلد معروف عن فلسطين. الصهيونية التي أنا متأكد أن ادعاء والا تفعل ذلك مرة واحدة ، في حين انها في الواقع لا مرتين. ما هو رائع بالنسبة لي هذا الشخص يتكلم عن الجانب الفلسطيني من الجدار الى فلما نفعله او لا نفعله. ما ذكر لانا لم أشهد أبدا ولم تدرس لي.
اما جنين ، وقد ثبت ان المجزرة لم تحدث. اسألوا اي حق من حقوق الإنسان ، لأنها سوف تشهد على هذا العمل الشنيع ، اذا كان هذا الشخص في محاولة لتشويه سمعة فلسطين. وانا متأكد من ان المجتمع العالمى. اما اتهامه لي العنصريه هذا شيء لم تكن اي ومرة اخرى اذا ما عناء قراءة وستجد اي الوقوف ضد اي شكل من اشكال العنصريه لأنها غير مقبولة بالنسبة الى اي مخلوق حي. وقد لاحظت الشيء هذا الشخص لم يذكر عندما جاء على ارض فلسطين ، وذلك ليس فقط لقتل المسلمين ولكن المسيحيين واليهود ل. ما عندي سؤال من هذه الحقيقة ، مشاكل معرفة ما هي الحقيقة نفسها.
Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!
And yet you do, clumsily and emotionally choosing your news sources carefully in order to present your pathetically biased narrative. Yet on this we agree - I too believe the solution is for the world to understand better the goals of the Palestinians and much of the muslim world, particularly that of the Middle East. Even a housewife such as yourself must surely realize that the slaughter of Hindus in India, the destruction of Buddhist artifacts, the stoning of 'adulters' in Pakistan, and the wholesale slaughter of non-muslims in Africa has nothing to do with the palestinian-israeli conflict.
You claim you are interested in the truth yet you absolve the palestinians of their anti-semitic leanings which PRE-DATE the creation of Israel. Is the Palestinian goal a two-state solution? Or a one-state solution? What of the Jews who were driven out of Egypt and Jordan? You neglect to mention how many children have been killed iin clashes between Hamas and Fatah and you turn a blind eye to your own peoples failings.
If you were truly anything other than a mindless parrot you would at least attempt to understand that the conflict is being bred in Palestinian schools, in Palestinian and Arab media which shout of Jenin where no massacre occurred, which air prime time soaps of jews drinking childrens blood and stealing organs.
Yet I have little doubt you will simply label me a Zionist and throw this comment away as you can see little past your own prejudice.
Those that do not seek the truth have no right to it.
المزيج مع الباطل لا حقيقة ولا تخفي الحقيقة وتعرفون الحقيقة! ومع ذلك ، انك موفقة وعاطفيا لكم اختيار مصادر الاخبار بدقة لكي تقدم لكم شفقة متحيز السرد. لم نتفق على هذا - واعتقد ايضا ان الحل للعالم ان تفهم اهداف للفلسطينيين وجزء كبير من العالم الاسلامي ، خصوصا أن منطقة الشرق الأوسط. حتى بيت مثلكم بالتأكيد يجب ان ندرك ان ذبح الهندوس في الهند تدمير الادوات البوذيه ، ورجم ادولترس '' فى باكستان ومذابح جماعيه لغير المسلمين في افريقيا لا علاقة له بالصراع الفلسطيني - الاسرائيلي.
تدعون انكم مهتمون في الحقيقة لم يغفر لكم فلعن الميول المعاديه للسامية التي سبقت تاريخ انشاء اسرائيل. الفلسطيني هو هدف وجود دولتين؟ او حل الدولة الواحدة؟ أي من اليهود الذين طردوا من مصر والاردن؟ لكم اهمال الاشارة الى عدد الاطفال الذين لقوا حتفهم مستشار الاشتباكات بين حماس وفتح وانت تغض الطرف عيوب شعوب بلدانكم. اذا كنت حقا اى شىء غير طائش الببغاء عملتم على الاقل ان نحاول ان نفهم ان الصراع قد تربوا في المدارس الفلسطينية ، في وسائل الاعلام الفلسطينية والعربية التي صيحه من مذبحة جنين التى لا تحدث ، أي وقت الهواء رئيس الصابون اليهود شرب دماء أطفالهم وسرقة الاجهزه. ومع اني لا شك انكم مجرد علامة لي الصهيوني ويلقى هذا التعليق بعيدا كما ترون لا مساس بها بلدكم الماضي. من لا يبحث عن الحقيقة التي لا حق لها
Thanks so much for this post and for publicly exposing the hatred and ignorance of certain individuals! I have a distinct feeling I do know who wrote that - a well-known hate-filled man who, despite countless attempts of explaining and reasoning, decided to stick with hate-filled tirades spewing in each and every direction. He's not worth the attention ...
Well - I wonder WHO is mixing truth with falsehood or in fact concealing the truth!! If a color is red - EVERYONE should see it as red! There is no place for different interpretation as red - is red for whoever looks at it and THIS WAY it should be here as well. There is only ONE TRUTH, regardless if one likes it or not! He should FACE IT - nobody cares if he likes it or not ...
WHAT please does he think is the "goal" of the Palestinians and "much of the Muslim world"? To kill all the Jews? To "throw them in the sea"? He seems to be behind and have missed certain political udates as well as FACTS in Islam but nevermind - allow me to provide them here and now: HAMAS, the (officially) ruling Palestinian party, as AS OFFICIALLY rendered this earlier made statementis nill and void! What is happening between the ruling factions lately is a disgrace but a different issue - I do not dispute that at all!
Islam does strictly forbid killing except in the case of self-defense, something everyone would do!
As to the mentioning of other major global conflicts - there are people everywhere who do the utmost to get justice for their country just as Palestinians for Palestine! One person can't cover everything - that would be irrealistic and even an attempt, ridiculous! It is my opinion though, MOST CONFLICTS on this planet are in one or the other way interconnected with the Middle Eastern one certainly being in the very upper echelon, to say the least!
Children .. are children ... are children! There is NO difference whatsoever, none of colour, nationality, faith, culture ... they are ALL the future of this planet and hopefully smarter that their forfathers.
He is asking an interesting question - if the Palestinian goal would be a TWO - or ONE state one! I would have to tell him honestly "buddy - with the racism and discrimination you show on an ongoing basis and in the worst possible form, you are about to eliminate the first possibility as there is simply NO SPACE FOR A PALESTINIAN STATE ANYMORE LEFT!! YOU CONFISCATED IT ALL ... so what do you expect?"
Palestinian schools do NOT teach hatred, I know for a fact! IF a teacher attempts to put this on her/his agenda - he/she is replaced! Anonymous - STOP spreading these lies!
And addressing the insult of calling the author a "parrot" - it says a lot about HIMSELF ... on top, it is HE who repeats over and over the same stereotypes on a number of blogs with the readiness of descending to ever new lows so - it is wiser for him to remain quiet, VERY quiet!
About Jenin .. anon, have you been there? Have you actually SEEN it? The destruction? The viciousness? The details? Have you stood at a level which was once a second floor and was blown up so that this floor was all of a sudden groundlevel? NO? ... than better KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! Did you ever ask yourself WHY reporters were allowed in only several days AFTER the "operation" was finished and a first "clean-up" was over ... did you ever ask yourself THIS question? I doubt that ... have a wild guess though and you'll figure it out all alone!
" ... which air prime time soaps of jews drinking childrens blood and stealing organs." You know, THAT is too stupid to even RESPOND!! Every person reading that does understand the mindset of the writer ... no further comment is needed. He successfully discredits himself! KUDOS anon .. great job!!
Those who CONSTANTLY and OUT OF SELFISHNESS and ARROGANCE LIE about the truth - do not deserve it.
Thanks so much again for exposing the mindset of these sick individuals .. it is a blessing that other people can get an idea - and a chance to learn!
I love Munich,
Your very welcome and I appreciate so much for this comment.
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