Sunday, February 4, 2007

Two State Plan for the Palestinians

While imprisoned in Ashkelan prison, Zuhdi Al Adawi taught himself to make art. His expressionist drawings depict the psychological anguish and physical torture he endured there. He now lives in a refugee camp in Damascus, Syria.

February 4, 2007


by Housewife4Palestine

Many think the Two State Plan is the way to go, but think again.

As it is written now, more Palestinian land will be confiscated by Israel. Then what is left of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would eventually appear to be nothing more then a prison camp for the Palestinian people.

As Palestinian’s, do you wish this for your future?

Myself, I think not.

Many have never recognized the State of Israel and I will readily admit I am one Palestinian that does not recognize any form of occupation, especially in my own country.

The only way for real peace in the region, is for the Zionist to relinquish their terror state, for the sake of all, to form a Free Palestine where all religions can once again live in absolute peace.


خطة دولتين للفلسطينيين

4 / 2/ 2007


كثيرون الدولتين خطة الطريق أمامنا ولكن اعتقد مرة اخرى.

وقد ورد ان اكثر الاراضي الفلسطينية تصادر من قبل اسرائيل. ثم ما تبقى من
قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية في نهاية المطاف يبدو ان لا شيء اكثر من سجن
معسكر للشعب الفلسطيني.

عن فلسطين ، هل ترون ان هذا لمستقبلك؟

شخصيا ، لا اعتقد.

كثير منهم لم تعترف بدولة اسرائيل وأنا اعترف انني واحدة الفلسطيني لا بأن أي
شكل من أشكال الاحتلال ، خصوصا في بلدي.

السبيل الوحيد لتحقيق سلام حقيقي في المنطقة ، ومن اجل الصهيوني على
التخلي عن ارهاب الدولة ، لمصلحة الجميع تشكيل لتحرير فلسطين يها كل
الاديان ان تعيش مرة اخرى في سلام مطلق.


Blogger Karin said...

I wholeheartedly AGREE!! There USED to be a 2-state solution but they blew that a LONG time ago but confiscating and anulling more and more Palestinian land, thus STEALING!!!!!
The ONLY realistic solution I can see now is a ONE STATE SOLUTION - for everyone who wants to live there - in PEACE!!!! In other words ... forget about ZIONISM!!!

8:32 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

I love Munich,

Thank you dear for agreeing because this is the only solution I have seen for some time, especially if everyone wishes real peace; it would solve the problem for every one.

Furthermore, it would open the country for all three religions.

8:39 PM  

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