Friday, May 11, 2007

Is There Mickey Mouse in the House?

May 11, 2007


by Housewife4Palestine

I find it kind of ridicules, if anyone in the media got carried away over the recent Mickey Mouse look-like named "Farfour," that was portrayed on Palestinian television. Then apparently when it was found by Information Minister as not television material, it was discarded for being nothing better then trash.

It is kind of like making a mountain out of a mole hill, the way the global media ran with it as a big deal, when they should be looking at the growing pornography, vulgar language, racism, propaganda and out right slander being more portrayed in every facet of their media.

Less we forget, the Danish cartoon’s that slandered the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), last year.

Myself and I am sure I am not alone, thought the instance of Mickey Mouse being portrayed as a Militant was more of a joke and nothing less; then to have a good laugh and let it go it’s way like most things of this caliber.

If anyone truly wishes to make a big deal about a small thing, they really need to get out and experience what the world is really about or better yet go have a good cup a coffee towards seeing life for it’s beauty and not always it’s grim view.

Lastly, the Zionist and their buddies’ that had a field day with this, it figure’s; any little discarded scrape will do.


The program about “Fanfour,” was retooled and is back on the air.

Like anyone doing a program, can make an error of judgment and once it is corrected; everyone should be breathing a sigh of relief; instead of waiting with a new way to attack the Palestinian people.

What I found most interesting in this whole thing, was the tail, tail sign’s of the enemy of the Palestinian people once again coming forward in the attack mode, instead of finding this situation for what it was, a simple error.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum,
You make a good point about other negative things on TV, that are just so normal today, such as vulgarity, pornography, sex symbols, drugs, violence, killing. The most popular movies revolve around killing and murders.

1:15 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

Walaikumu salam,

Thank you and I appreciate you bringing out other example's of this growing problem.

As for movies, you are very right.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good article and explanation.

10:20 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


You are very welcome.

12:03 AM  
Blogger peddlinshutterbug said... the solution to teach your children from birth to hate the Jew and to kill them innocently in the streets as they go about their lives?
America is not perfect, but we are free.. you are not.

5:52 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Myself included, I do not know any mother that teaches her children to hate anyone, but to the contrary. We do not go about the street’s picking people off, like the Zionist do us.

I will assure you we have no problem, with anyone that is true to their religion, because what I know and most Palestinians; that anyone that is true to their religion, would not advocate murder or harm to any living thing.

What most people I think get a false view, is the occupation is considered a state of war, towards the Zionist political machine to exterminate every living Palestinian and this should not be acceptable by anyone; that is truly good at heart.

As for us not being free this is very true and I am finding as this does make me kind of sad is how you as an American, little by little are loosing your freedom’s too.

Please take care:)

7:05 AM  

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