Monday, May 14, 2007

Secularism in Turkey

Demonstrators wave Turkish flags during a Sunday pro-secular rally in Izmir, Turkey. An estimated 1.5 million Turks demonstrated on the seafront of Turkey's third-largest city, fearful that the Islamic-rooted government is conspiring to impose religious values on society. The rally follows similar demonstrations in Ankara and Istanbul last month.

May 14, 2007


I am concerned about the recent protest in Turkey towards keeping a secular republic, for the simple reason that being a secular country destroys the foundation of rules, that we as humanity should live by.

Turkey has shown their secularism with the hijab ban that has been going on for a number of years, that any country that is living in this manner is no better then saying they are an atheist country and yes I am, sure I am spitting hair’s on terminology; but I am sure it will get my point across.

I am for a Pro-Islamic countries in all facet's of the region and ear marking Turkey, for the simple fact before 1923, some of the problems Turkey has now would not be occurring.

In our modern times, it is being proven more everyday that secularistic countries are having a number of problem’s to the extent that the countries are beginning to die, which in a better term as I have mentioned other time’s; creates imploding. Which that last time this occur to this extent, was the implosion of the Roman empire into the Dark Ages.

Instead of moving forward with the advancement in knowledge to medicine for example, anyone in a secular country will eventually be put back to the beginning; with nothing better then the invention of fire or live on Sushi.

Turkey is a very beautiful country with a rich history, almost akin to the other Middle Eastern counties, but we need to remember their greatest came before Secularism.

Furthermore, less we forget the most famous of secular countries in the world today, is the so call “State of Israel.” While they may hide behind the precepts of Judaism, the majority of the population is secular.

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