Saturday, June 30, 2007

Who Really Murdered Farfour?

Farfour, no longer among the living.

30 June 2oo7
While it is interesting that this derogatory story began from what I found from the Israeli news,; it makes more of a wonder, of how Farfur really became another martyr in Occupied Palestine.
Using the word terrorist towards anyone you are in opposition with, is becoming an over used word, especially the West as well as the Israeli's that keep coining this word; it is starting to have the focus turned in a negative light towards them, like never before. For the inception of the word, “Terrorist” in modern terminology came from the West.
Especially when the "Tomorrow's Pioneers," in it's inception was mistranslated to defame the character of the program. While I may not have agreed to the reference of an MK-47, the program was retooled; but it would have been doomed anyway, unless it came from an Israeli or Western affiliate station.
Furthermore, what makes this whole scenario more interesting is the timing, when a portion of Fatah, Israel as well as the West wish the extermination of a portion of the Palestinian people that just happened to be with the Islamic Resistance group of Hamas. So did these people, take it out on a defenseless mouse or should we just chock up another one, for censorship?
Further Reading:

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