Friday, July 13, 2007

Abbas is Dreaming

10 July 2007

Palestinian president says, ‘It is Hamas that is protecting Al-Qaeda (the Islamic army which was holding Johnston), and through its bloody behavior Hamas has become very close to Al-Qaeda.

With these words Abbas began his speech to the Western agency " Reuters", he began to attack the resistance and even his own people in Gaza strip.

For the first time we see president motivate against his people (if he considered them like that). Abbas is giving the Zionist entity the excuse to his the Palestinians.

"Hamas is protecting Al-Qaeda and allowing it to gain a foothold in Gaza".

Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip last month after routing forces loyal to Abbas and the traitor Dahlan, has been criticized by al-Qaeda’s number second in command, Ayman Al-Zawahri.

Also Abbas said the same words again to the Italian state television channel RAI in an interview in the West Bank city of Ramallah ahead of a meeting on Tuesday with visiting Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi.

Abbas added to the Italian TV “That is why Gaza is (not under his secular authority) needs help”.

He assured that his secular political faction Fatah “Will never have any dialogue with Hamas.” But in the same time he is always ready to dialogue with the Zionist Olmert, Livni and even with the Zionist security services leaders like Shin Beit.

Hamas criticized Abbas words against the Palestinian people. It considered that Abbas and his group failed to apply the Zio-American plan in Gaza. So he is seeking to be supported from abroad.

Hamas denied that it has any intention to make Islamic district in Gaza and said "Abbas is dreaming". Hamas also assured that its political behavior is very different to Al Qaeda behavior. Hamas accused Abbas that he want to destroy the resistance and he is proud that he never fought against the Zionist entity.

Undisclosed source said, “speeches like these (Abbas speech) is worthless. “

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abbas is definitely dreaming - but his dream is a nightmare for the Palestinian people. I am confident that his political stance will be condemned by a huge majority of Palestinians worldwide.

12:12 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

Assalamu alaikum Tariq,

I completely agree with you and I am very honored that you would comment on my page.

Please take care

12:18 PM  

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