Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"The Message for Revival on Earth"

“The victory of Goodness over Evil”

This message is targeted towards humanity. It was a human experience based on revelation that sets the methodology through the Qur’an. Thorough planning, rather than pure miracles, was the thing that guaranteed success since miracles did not change the course of events but rather raised the moral and strengthened the spirits.

The key characteristics should then be as follows:

a- Flexible and thorough planning.

b- Sacrifice and endurance.

c- Spiritual, intellectual, ethical, and political training that prepares sound generations.

d- Fair co-existence between civilizations; that guarantees our rights and leaves our Islamic beliefs intact.

e- Opting for peace rather than aggression and war as an essence in Islam.

f- Believing in the 'Rights to Citizenship' in spite of differences in beliefs maintaining good ties within the society.

g- Stressing on the importance of the role of women in the revival.

h- Using culture and art as main tools to boost the morale of the people.

i- Uniting Muslims in spite of differences.

j- The language of da’wa (missionary activity) should be progressive matching the current circumstances.

k- The five basic values essential for the revival are: truthfulness, trustworthiness, faithfulness, diligence, and maintaining hope.

l- Respecting the people’s freedom of speech.

m- Having a leader and a role model for the generations.

n- Having a strong belief that supports the revival since belief and success are intertwined.

Courtesy of Amr Khaled

Also wish to say thank you to the dear brother that came to visit me. Inshaallah, I hope they know I have a very great smile.

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