Monday, October 29, 2007

Hamas sources: “Fatah Security forces continue to arrest Hamas members"

28 October 2007


Sources close to Hamas movement reported on Sunday that Palestinian Security Forces, loyal to Fatah movement in the West Bank, continued their arrest campaigns against members and supporters of Hamas, and arrested seven members of Hamas on Saturday.

In Nablus city, in the northern part of the West Bank, Palestinian security forces arrested Moath Al Sarkaji, a student at Al Najah University in Nablus, as he was leaving the new university campus in the Al Jneid area of the city.

Al Sarkaji is the son of Yousef Al Sarkaji, leader of the Al Qassam brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, who was assassinated by the Israeli army in 2002.

In Saida town, north of Nablus, security forces arrested Bilal Hosny when he headed to a security center after he was called in for questioning. Hosny is a local reporter affiliated with Hamas.

On Sunday, security forces arrested Abdul-Hadi Al-Bishkar, in Rafidia area in Nablus, and his cousin Hisham Bishkar.

In Ramallah, north of Jerusalem, security forces arrested Talha Abu Al Haj, from Dir Al Sudan village, west of the city. Talha was ordered to head for a security center for questioning and was arrested there.

In Tulkarem city, in the northern part of the West Bank, security forces arrested Mahmoud Freij as he was leaving a local mosque in Al Shouka area, north of Tulkarem.

In Salfit city, Palestinian security men arrested Sa’ed Aassy, from Qarawa Bani Hassan village, after he was ordered to head to a local security center for questioning.

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