Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Demon of Violence

The demon of violence is the perpetrator of every type of violence that is on the earth. Most people would think of wars or murder for this demon, but they are also guilty of some natural disasters, such as storms and earthquakes.

Domestic crimes such as robbery, physical or mental abuse, rape, sexual harassment for example are also contributed to them.

Even violence in the media setting that are not true or to advance violence for their means is by them.

For those who are for animal rights, cruelty to animal’s, as one well knows can fall victim to this demon.

Anything that can be considered a violent act of any kind, they are the demon that creates such things on the earth to not only create chaos, but suffering.

While they may speak of peace, freedom or religion for example, these elements are not within them and are nothing but lies. For they actually believe the opposite often times of what they are saying to the public, for they say what they think one wishes to hear and do the opposite. This is also one of the elements of how they can hide their true identity.

If one keeps real peace as well as love in their heart and subdues any violent nature within themselves, they cannot fall victim to this demon, but instead can see their crimes and hopefully stop these crimes, by ones goodness.



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