Friday, April 11, 2008

U.S. Presidential hopeful Obama launches Hebrew blog in Israel

11 April 2008

The Associated Press and Haaretz Service

U.S. Presidential hopeful Barack Obama has launched a Hebrew blog in Israel.

Obama aide Eric Lynn says on the site that the senator hopes through the blog to strengthen ties with the Israeli public.

The blog that opened Friday includes Obama's speech to a pro-Israel lobby in March.

Lynn says at the bottom of the blog that Obama is committed to Israel's security.

The Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported Friday that Obama's campaign insisted that the blog be opened before the Democratic primary April 22 in Pennsylvania. The state has a large Jewish population.

Obama's staff has worked hard to disprove a mass e-mail campaign, which had leveled a succession of allegations against the candidate, branding him a secret anti-Semite, a closet Muslim who took his official oath of office with his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible, and a disciple of fiery Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The campaign further alleged that several of Obama's Mideast policy advisors are pro-Palestinian haters of Israel.

During a debate with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Obama stressed his "stalwart" support for Israel and his ties to American Jews. He said he considers Israel to be one of the U.S.' "most important allies in the region [Mideast]" and added: "I think that their security is sacrosanct."


True Trust

by HRM Deborah

Barack Obama is a devout Christian to begin with and as for the so-called Pro-Palestine activist, they are not true to the people of Palestine, this was learned the hard way. Even now, they not only attack the Jewish people, but Palestinians. These people tend to be instigators of not just war, but to pit the Jewish people and Arab Palestinians against each other and this is unacceptable.

As for United States interest in Palestine or the Middle East, they have proved from not just now but their history, in regards to any area of the Middle East, the instigators of war and dissension. Their would have to be a drastic change for this to be shown otherwise, for this problem is over 108 years old.

Less we forget, the war that was in Palestine, the current wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the threats upon other countries in the Middle East.

Furthermore, as for Obama, it has been a campaign ploy for several campaigns, to say one support’s the Jewish people and this is a sad thing to have to say. Also, Obama in his campaign has been caught like Hillary Clinton in lies.

Nevertheless, one thing I always notice though, the United States always forgets the other inhabitants of Palestine, unless it is in hateful rhetoric.

True trust is shown by how one lives their life and in there deeds.

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