Friday, June 20, 2008

Palestine Okra Harvesting

A Palestinian farmer works on her okra field near the border between the Jewish sector and the Gaza Strip on 19 June 2008.
Palestinian farmers work on their okra field.

Okra is the one vegetable that is very hard to pick, because as you see in the pictures you need long sleeves and gloves. Picking okra is as though you are picking something from a nettle bush; one can itch, suffer certain types of pain or gain a type of rash trying to pick this vegetable with bare arms and hands.
With okra, one usually picks it at a certain stage of development because it is still tender. If one picks okra after it gets rather large, it is tough and stringy.
There is many variety of dishes that has the ingredient of okra, along with several ways to prepare okra by itself, that is very delightful.
These farmers look as though they have a bumper crop this year, like so may other’s in Palestine has been overjoyed this year with such a good harvest.

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