Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pat Paulsen for President?


By HRM Deborah

Back in the 1960’s, if the American people were not happy with those running for President, it was far to often that the ballots on election day would see such names written in, as comedian Pat Paulson, who died at 70, in 1997 or other such notables as Mickey Mouse and sometimes Goofy.

With the increasing pitfalls of Barack Obama and John McCain, it seems we are at the crossroads again if either one would be acceptable in office or it more appears that it is getting to be another U.S. election year for ballot write in’s and it is a wonder in the 21 century; of who it would be.

While most of Pat Paulson’s humor I must admit was not my particular cup of tea and Mickey Mouse or Goofy does fit the age law, we really need to take into consideration; do we wish another four or eight years of nothing but sorrow and major woes especially economically upon the American citizens or as the saying goes, 'haven’t they suffered enough', at the hands of the current administration failings thrust upon them; an those running may be a rerun?

As to who I would pick if I could, I am partial to Mickey Mouse for his unique sense, especially humor, family and moral values.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can still write in Pat Paulsen. Take a look at his website:

4:59 PM  

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