Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Handwriting on the Wall

by HRM Deborah

Some people apparently wonder how I knew the economic collapse was coming for lack of a better explanation, the handwriting was on the wall for as I mentioned in previous writing’s; I could see it as far back as five years ago and it is prophesied for the end of time and the type of person or person's who would cause it.

Nevertheless, this is one of those situation’s I wish was not occurring because of my concern of not just for the global community, but for everyone on the planet.

To further explain, my heart is very heavy about this economic situation and as to the hint’s I tried to give that would very well reverse this situation, they went unheeded from what I have seen.

Something people tend to forget is the elements that most people do not take into account that is not always visible without paying close attention to it.

Furthermore, putting blame on the ordinary person is not what should be occurring for it is not there fault as far as the base of the economic crisis nor swinging ones head back and forth in a panic of what to do next and making the same old mistakes, until one gets a large headache. But instead, think of the true logic of the situation and I say this with the hope one will understand; to do what is good for the benefit of everyone.

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