Sunday, October 5, 2008

Olmert Addresses Weekly Cabinet Meeting under Hanegbi Accusations

Jewish Prime Minister Ehud Olmert addresses the weekly cabinet meeting, on 5 October 2008; in Jerusalem.

According to reports, Tzahi Hanegbi, chairman of the parliamentary foreign affairs and defense committee of the ruling Kadima party, has stated that Olmert went too far in granting concessions to the Arab Palestinians.

Hanegbi a former Justice Minister, in 2006 he was indicted for making political appointments to civil service posts during his time as Environment Minister, despite his claims that it was normal practice. His trial is ongoing.

Hanegbi is usually considered to be associated with Binyamin Netanyahu, who is Chairman of the Likud Party and who has made several statement's over the past for his animosity of Arab Palestinians.

Netanyahu is considered of questionable reputation by both the majority of Jewish and Muslim population.

Furthermore, it appears very apparent, that Hanegbi is suffering from postwar stress or post-traumatic stress disorder.

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