Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Louise Heath Palin Background Report Profile 1964-1997 with Public Records and 2006 Addendum

I just happened to came across this background report thinking it would be interesting to share, on Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and who is also the current vice president running mate with Sen. John McCain.

With Palin and McCain all over the map along with Barack Obama on the issue’s, along with out right lies and mud slinging; it makes for somewhat interesting reading, among other things.

Palin is differently not the one to call a good asset with the current US economic crisis, from her track record from what I have read; which is she would make the US economic snowball fly faster down the hill to and avalanche of woe.

Also, it is a wonder from different article’s I have read, if she would return to the Salem Witch trials of 1692, where no one was safe; kind of like US President George W. Bush Anti-terrorism frenzy to cover-up his crimes, which honest people are being harmed on a daily bases.

Palin apparently also has a history of being rather ‘whiney’ and has troubles telling the truth, on numerous occasions. As well as has a history of questionable immoral behaviors, for example, past scrapes with the law and some drug use.

As to health care, Palin’s answer was, “No-Answer’s."

I am still trying to figure out in 2003, how anyone could have an office furniture and equipment increase of 117%; but Palin did?

In a nut shell, if McCain and Palin where in office, it would be another four or eight years of sorrow and bailing the boat; hadn’t the American’s and the global community had enough with US President George W. Bush in the White House?

It is rather interesting that I just uploading this document for people to review and a short time later, the document mysteriously is deleted? What was someone trying to hide? Something of this nature, more questions Palin’s or McCain’s creditability.

Further Reading:
Sensitive Palin ethics report kept secret, for now

Sworn to secrecy, Alaska lawmakers have begun reviewing a lengthy and politically sensitive investigative report focusing on whether Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her authority as governor.

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