Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Seventy Percent of US Voters’ Feeling Distressed, Depressed and Terrified About United States Economy

A new SenseUs™ Poll reports how voters are feeling about the United States Economy The majority of voters, are afraid and sad about the current state of the US Economy, according to the SenseUs Poll, which measures voters’ emotional reactions.

7 October 2008

Gainesville, FL -The majority of voters, are afraid and sad about the current state of the US Economy, according to the SenseUs Poll, which measures voters’ emotional reactions.

Since January 2008, feelings about the economy have changed. Democrats, Republicans and Independents are feeling more fearful deceived and sad. The uncertainly is making voters feel gloomy.

In SenseUs polls - taken in September, 2007, January, April and September 2008 - no group has been more distressed about the economy than the Independent Voters. They are almost unanimous in these feelings.

Over 80% of the Independents have ‘negative to angry’ feelings about the troubled economy. They have moved significantly, jumping from 58% in September 07, to 71% in April 08, to 81% at the end of September 08.

Proven Method for Measuring Emotions Without Leading Questions
The SenseUs™ poll employs the same AdSAM® methodology that is used by major FORTUNE 500 companies around the globe seeking to understand audiences’ emotions in order to make more relevant connections with them. Research has shown AdSAM® emotional response technology to be highly predictive of behavioral intentions.

“SenseUs™ uncovers voters’ feelings on the issues, 75%, feel ‘sad, angry and terrified about the United States Economy. This is much stronger than the ‘concerned about the economy’ as shown in other polls. Feelings are overlooked in other polls, which is unfortunate since emotions are the precursor to action,” said Jon Morris, PhD, president of AdSAM® and professor of at the University of Florida. “Candidates need to understand the emotional condition of voters and respond accordingly. For example, voters that feel stressed about an issue need to be addressed differently than those that feel weary.”

All the polling results can be found at

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