Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Religious Overcoat

By HRM Deborah

A short time ago, I was reading of an apparent group of people that had converted to a particular religion and apparently one young woman not only did so for the wrong reason with apparent lack of understanding on there part to what later became a bit cantankerous, but also was apparently not actually following the dictates of the new religion at all.

This has became a growing concern of certain people changing or converting to a religion often times for either the wrong reason or for very unacceptable devious reason’s. It should be noted, in Islam this is called being a revert, not a convert.

No one should ever do what was just described above, for the simple fact regardless of what religion that I know off, it is not an overcoat one can take off or on when they feel like it; it simply does not work that way nor will Allah (God) approve, for the final end for these people to often times is actually hell.

As to religious leaders considering these types of converts conversion none and void is most understandable, because a few example’s I have seen of some converting to Islam and I will not elaborate here; because being a woman, one would here me for about and hour or more of the atrocities of it all or long story short these people where following there so called change in religion, like I would change a pair of shoes ten times in a single day.

To simplify, one law that is in Judaism and Islam, is if the father is of one of these two religions the children are to be raised and taught within these religions and furthermore, this also goes why women of these religions, should not marry someone other then within there own religion. Nevertheless, it saves to a lot of the problems, also just ascribed above.

Finally, if one actually wishes to be in a particular religion, keep the overcoat on at all times nor only half wear it; for it saves everyone and believe it or not, one will stay cool from the fires of hell.

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