Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bush Did the Shoe Fit

Palestinian journalists demonstrate to express solidarity with Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, 29, who hurled his shoes at US President George W. Bush, on 18 December 2008; in front of the Church of the Nativity in the town of Bethlehem.

Zaidi threw his shoes at Bush during a press conference in Baghdad, Iraq; on 14 December; while yelling in Arabic: 'This is a farewell kiss, you dog; this is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.'

Websites keep popping-up in response to the show throwing incident, that they agreed with the Iraq journalist hurling his shoes at Bush for the reason he gave.
Nevertheless, the consensus across the globe is Bush deserved this type of Iraqi intercession.

“A Saudi sheik offered $10-million to purchase Mr. al-Zaidi shoes, the Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV channel said. The shoes are being kept as evidence, however.” From

As to Bush appearing to laugh the incident off, it is further understood in private; that he is in actuality got quite angry over the shoe’s being thrown and the public response to the incident, it was reported. What is a hope, is did Bush learn something positive from the experience.

As to al-Zaidi being jailed and beaten unmercifully by the American’s for the shoe incident, just shouldn’t have occurred; after all, isn’t the US always speaking of freedom, especially freedom of speech?


Shoe-hurler sparks chaos in Iraq's parliament
Speaker quits amid debate over whether 'beaten' journalist should be freed

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