Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Destruction of an olive grove in the village of Burin, apparently by settlers, December 2005

November 17, 2000 - A Palestinian woman harvests olives in Haris, a village that has suffered from many incidents of settler violence during such olive harvests.
Photo credit: Lior Yavne, B'Tselem
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On December 24, 2005, a B'Tselem fieldworker traveled to the village of Burin , in response to a report of the destruction of an olive grove in the village. B'Tselem accompanied the owner of the olive trees to survey the damage. When they arrived at the spot, it became clear that additional trees had been destroyed during the night. This video depicts Muntaha Najar , a 55-year-old woman, upon discovering that her family's olive grove, which contained decades-old trees, had been destroyed.

Length: 1:27 mins


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