Sunday, April 2, 2006



[The information in this article is not necessary the opinion of the Blog Administrator.]

by The Global Intifada – International Brigade

To make any sense of Zionist political discourse, it is necessary to translate all news, comment and analysis emanating from Israeli government and pro-Zionist sources into plain, common English, decoding the underlying Orwellian and Kafka-esque double-speak, and reversing the rhetoric of the ‘Hasbara’.
For those unfamiliar with the term, the ‘Hasbara’ (literal meaning “explanation”) is the Israeli state propaganda system. Its primary function is to obfuscate, to distort, to fabricate, to fog, to obscure and to bend current and historical factual truth about Zionist Israel into the purest unmitigated mythological fictions, fables and follies the World has known since Dr Jo Goebells propagandised on behalf of the Third Reich.

Zionist political discourse typically has two meanings -- the plain dictionary meaning and the propaganda meaning – the latter being utterly essential for serving the requirements of the lawless, pariah state’s political/military power elite. The guardians of political correctness within the West’s dominant political elites, its mass media and its opinion formers, largely tolerates or are silently complicit in these fictions – perhaps for two reasons.

1. Israel’s super-privileged position as the USA’s number one client state in an unstable region -- unstable precisely because the imperial powers imposed Israel’s presence there in the first place -- is sacrosanct, untouchable, and above and beyond all the constraints and disciplines of international law.
2. The Palestinian’s plight is of no intrinsic value; their “choice” is full capitulation to the “Peace Process” – i.e. the USA’s and Israel’s will – or die.

Thus a wholly one-sided conflict whereby a helpless civilian refugee population possessing some light weaponry and home-made rockets is pitted against a huge, sophisticated war machine is seldom, if ever discussed in depth, or seriously expressed in any meaningful and contextual way. When it is, the Zionist High Command’s doctrinal views filter down to be superimposed on World opinion by a vast public relations industry including numerous think tanks, political pressure groups, paid lobbyists, paid strategists, paid “experts”, and various sundry ‘pens-for-hire’ masquerading as unbiased, impartial commentators, analysts, authors or journalists.
At the bottom of the pile, are the massed ranks of Zionist apologists -- who as the noble ‘democrats’ [sic] and defenders of Western values they undoubtedly are [sic], undoubtedly believe that imposing a 1/3rd Jewish minority over a 2/3rds Arab majority in 1948 was a huge, triumphant leap forward for their exclusive, exclusionist, wholly racist notions of what constitutes a “democracy”.

Decoding some obvious “Hasbara” terminology, the post-1967 occupied Arab West Bank is now the “Disputed territories” of “Judea and Samaria”, and illegal Zionist settlement-colonies erected thereon are now “Jewish neighbourhoods”.
The slow, incremental ethnic cleansing of native Arabs in a longterm aspirational drive towards a Jews-only state is “Redeeming (or) Judaising the land”, whilst in “Hasbara-speak” an entire captive civilian refugee population are “Terrorists” – the vast majority to be permanently confined in squalid, densely populated refugee camps surrounded by tanks, aircraft, missiles and helicopter gunships who remain free to indiscriminately bomb them, bulldoze their homes and cull their numbers at will. Moreover, if the boot is not continuously held at their throats, the Hasbara warns that the day will come when they’ll rise up and “drive the Jews into the sea” – a classic, guilt-ridden ‘whopper’ given that the only people in this entire conflict ever “driven into the sea” were Palestinians – at Jaffa, Haifa, Acre and other Mediterranean coastal ports in the great ‘Nakba’ exodus of 1948.

Today the Hasbara system tells us that the World’s biggest self-erected Jewish ghetto wall, built mainly outside the 1967 ‘Green Line’, is merely a “security fence” to protect against “terrorists”, and a “temporary measure” too -- or so the Hasbara would have us all believe -- whilst a jackboot and rifle-butted police state where land-theft, racial apartheid, collective punishment, mass detention without trial, torture, extra-judicial assassination and the mass culling of Arab children – SEVEN-HUNDRED & SIXTEEN since Sept 29, 2000 -- are commonplace daily occurrences, somehow miraculously translates into “the Middle East’s only Democracy.”

[…pause here to vomit if you've just eaten your dinner…]

All this is preceded by the classic, fundamental Zionist mytho-fictions whereby the World is expected to believe that Palestine was “a land without people for a people without land”, is expected to believe that the cities of Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Bethlehem, Nazareth etc. etc. somehow miraculously self-erected themselves, or is expected to believe that 1.2 million Palestinians voluntarily upped and “ran away” in 1948 and 1967 from Zionist ethnic cleansing murder gangs – in the process forfeiting their UN-enshrined human right to return to their homes -- and how over 100 years of inward Zionist colonisation made “an empty desert bloom”. These myth-fables do have some merit: the ‘Holy Land’, or “empty desert”, has indeed “bloomed” – fertilised with the blood and bones of those dead Palestinians who’ve had the sheer audacity since time immemorial to defy “God” by inhabiting the “Promised Land” of “His Chosen People.”

Among the Hasbara’s biggest PR ‘coups’ was the 1984 publication (how apt) of ‘From Time Immemorial’ by 10th rate US ‘pen-for-hire -- Joan Peters -- a threadbare falsifier, plagiarist and hoaxer. Hugely influential in the USA where it received ecstatic notices by Christian Zionist evangelical wackos and retarded Right-wing loonies, her ‘book’ set out to absolve Israeli crimes against humanity by ‘proving’ that the Palestinian people never even existed. They were/are mere nomadic Arab tribes attracted into the territory by Zionist “industry”, or illegally imported during the British Mandate. Thus the entire indigenous majority population are reduced to non-human abstractions, to be disposed of as a mass propaganda trick inflicted upon a gullible world by legions of knife sharpening Arab “anti-Semites”.
Yet, the UK Observer dismissed the ‘book’ as “ludicrous and worthless”, the London Review of Books called it “preposterous”, while the Spectator compared it to the great Howard Hughes autobiography hoax. Even when numerous Israeli scholars denounced it as a “web of deceit”, “a sheer forgery”, “sheer rubbish”, no retractions or apologia were forthcoming from its US publishers or its US defenders. On the contrary, the forgery entered the canon as a cornerstone of US neo-con and neo-liberal political theory – to be picked up and further disseminated by numerous reptiles, zombies and shit-for-brains polluting the internet with their raging hatred for anything Muslim.

Its also notable that as the Zionist myth-fictions continuously unravel and increasingly desperate attempts to defend the indefensible are employed, the only practical argumentative space left for Zionist apologists to occupy is to constantly compare the Israeli state’s “democratic institutions” with reactionary, autocratic, post-colonial Arab regimes – but never, ever, with the multiethnic and multicultural Western liberal democracies Israel claims to be so sturdy an outpost of. The reason for this is obvious; they are wholly and entirely incomparable and the Hasbara's clear intention is to shift the spotlight away from over 100 years of Zionist crimes against the native majority population it has so systematically brutalised and dispossessed.

Meanwhile, the Hasbara continues monopolising TV screens with Western governmental complicity, if not approval. On Sept 7 2004, a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 16 Israelis in Beersheba with the World’s mass media rushing to mark the end of a 5-month period of "relative peace and calm" and "a lull in the violence." Global TV news broadcasts allowed Israeli government spokesmen to use the outrage to justify building the Apartheid Wall –– a pivotal cause of Palestinian retaliation as the Wall, as Jews-only settlements, and as Jews-only interconnecting highways continue grabbing and gobbling up even more prime Arab agricultural land necessary for their material survival. That the International Court of Justice in The Hague has also declared the Wall “illegal” is of little or no consequence whatsoever to most Western commentators and erecting it continues as per usual.
Yet during these 5 months of “relative peace and calm” almost 400 Palestinians were killed -- 71 of them in assassinations. During this “lull in the violence”, more than 73 Palestinian children were killed, including a 13-year-old, murdered with a bullet through the heart, and a 5-year-old shot in her face as she walked arm in arm with her 2-year-old sister. The body of 14-year-old Maze Maid was riddled with 18 IDF bullets as he and his family fled their bulldozed home in the Rafah refugee camp, but none of this is reported in Britain, the USA or elsewhere as an “outrage”, or the depraved, blood-soaked, state-approved, state-sponsored, Western-sanctioned terrorism it is. Most of it is never reported at all, far less subjected to any in-depth scrutiny or analysis.

The result is a massive information deficit, a monumental disconnect from reality, an immense conspiracy of silence ensuring that little is to be truly understood about the conflict or its historic roots in any coherent way. Thus continuous Zionist state vampirism gorging on innocent Arab child-blood is systematically ‘image managed’ by elite media opinion, then airbrushed out of history – in other words -- Hasbara media manipulation at its most efficient and effective.

Incidentally, any decent, humane, compassionate Jew of conscience opposing or unwilling to adhere to the canons of the all-seeing, all-knowing Hasbara is routinely denounced in typical Stalinist fashion as an “enemy of the Israeli state” and inherits the stigma -- “a self-hating Jew” -- a term adapted from the Nazis who defined Third Reich citizens protecting Jews from maurauding Brownshirts, the SS, or the Gestapo as “self-hating Germans”.

Finally, what does the West and the Israeli “Hasbara-speak” seek to protect and uphold?
Answer: a little part of the world that will be “forever Jewish”, “forever Zionist” and damn anyone -- like the pre-1948 indigenous Arab Muslim and Christian MAJORITY (or what’s left of it) -- who gets in the way of this degenerate monotheistic utopia ordained on behalf of “God’s Chosen People” by “God’s divine will.”
Imagine a little part of the world forever Bavarian Nazi, forever Pretorian Afrikaans, or forever a Selma, Alabama or a Little Rock, Arkansas -- unified into a ‘nigger-free state’ and governed by the Ku Klux Klan for all the World’s white supremacists to come and set up home in and you get the picture…

Why then does the West protect and uphold this tinpot, subsidy-junkie, land-grabbing kleptocracy (sorry… “democracy”) that's defecated upon every democratic and egalitarian value erected in the last 250 years whilst holding the world record for violating UN resolutions?
Answer: for extremely complex geo-strategic reasons: but its theoretically possible that the West possesses the knowledge that Israel is fully prepared to nuke itself and every living organism in the Middle East rather than surrender one square inch of its “God-given” plundered territory, or to even begin taking steps to democratise itself into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, inclusivist democratic state with full and equal human and civil rights for every single person residing between the Jordan and the Med.

Therein lies the gross moral hypocrisy and abject ethical bankruptcy of Western political and moral values “we Westerners” so self-righteously uphold and intend imposing upon others – “if necessary by force…”

Prediction – following Sharon’s Gaza pullout, there will be no Palestinian state and no ‘land for peace’ solution. All that will occur is the maintenance of the current status quo – i.e. continued military occupation and continued “Israeli-ising” of the West Bank (aka “Judea-Samaria”) -- in attempts to spin “negotiations” out for another 10-years in some mutated neo-Oslo formula already described by one eminent Jewish scholar as:

“somewhat as if New York and New York state were to cede responsibility for the slums of South Bronx and Buffalo to local authorities while keeping the financial, industrial, and commercial sectors, wealthy residential areas, virtually all of the usable land and resources, indeed everything except for scattered areas it would be happy to hand over to someone else… [while] Palestinian forces are to manage the population on the standard models: the British in India, Whites in South Africa and Rhodesia, the US in Central America, and so on. Israel has at last recognised the absurdity of using its own forces to keep the natives quiet.”
[Prof. Noam Chomsky]

Zionist Truth = fabricated Lies – Zionist Defence = continuous Aggression – Zionist Security = unending Expansion -- Zionist Peace = endless Conflict… etc. etc. ad nauseum…


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