Saturday, April 15, 2006

President Bush's Easter Proclamation

President Bush walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington Thursday, April 13, 2006. He is heading to Camp David for the Easter weekend. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)  Posted by Picasa

By The Associated Press
April 13, 2006

President Bush's Easter proclamation, as issued by the White House on Thursday:

"He is not here; for He is risen, as He said." Matthew 28:6.

I send greetings to those observing the joyous holiday of Easter. On Easter, Christians around the world join together with family and friends to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the triumph of love over death. This is a season of renewal, a time for giving thanks and praise and for remembering that hope overcomes despair.

Christ's extraordinary sacrifice and compassion continue to inspire people around the world. His promise of new life gives hope and confidence to his followers. His service and love for his neighbors offer a profound lesson for all people.

During this Easter season, we celebrate God's gifts of freedom and justice. We pray for peace and ask for God's blessings on the brave men and women who wear our nation's uniform and their families.

Laura and I wish you a Happy Easter.

Good Life to All! Posted by Picasa


At a time when President Bush is giving such gallant speeches, just two days prior, it is being known that the United States is going into the possibility of a Civil War. It is thought many people, through lack of understanding to the real cause of their unrest; has chosen to threaten anyone unlike themselves. What I mean by this are people who are in the process to immigrating to this country or not the Christian main stream. American citizens unrest and economic woes do not come by these people.

They are due to the devaluation of the American dollar. Unstable laws, that just a few years ago would have never been thought of but for now with the instability of banks and stock market they now are in a crisis just living in this country.

What a lot of people to do not realize, those large amounts of money having filtered out of the country not just for Israel, but Iraq is the most expensive war in history.

I realize going to the grocery store, is a sorrow within itself because the prices keep going up but your pay check doesn’t. And to with the growing unemployment problem, anyone would feel like a threat. How many people feel on their lips is the word, “Depression,” but can’t bring ourselves to say it out loud.

It is hard; to think what happen in the 1930’s is happening to us again. But murdering people is not the answer; please know you are looking in the wrong direction.

And for those who are Christians, please know I truly wish you a Happy Easter. For those who are of another religion, a good life.

Easter Greetings Posted by Picasa


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