Friday, June 16, 2006

What About Israel?

Congress Bans All Aid to Palestinian Authority (PA)

Jun 16, 2006

( The Senate and the House of Representatives have passed a bill that includes a ban on giving money to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (PA). The clause was an amendment to the bill providing emergency funds for the war in Iraq and for Gulf Coast hurricane victims.

The law, if signed by American President George W. Bush, bars financial aid to the PA until it demonstrates "its commitment to the principles of nonviolence, the recognition of Israel, and the acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the road map." Hamas is opposed to these conditions.


by Housewife4Palestine

While it is a proven fact that much of the money given towards hurricane victims and the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast has been funds in the past that went directly into unsolicited pockets, otherwise pure theft of very large amounts of money. Other means, was some American’s in the course of fraud also stole money that rightly belongs to the people of the Gulf Coast. I am yet to wonder the new appropriated money will not end up the same way?

Then we go to the War in Iraq, it is a proven fact again it is an occupation with the price tag of being the most expensive war in history, which in turn appears to be draining the very life of the American people. While it appears that the American government doesn’t seem to care they are putting their own economic welfare in jeopardy, as well as the very life blood of their own people or country.

Now we get to the new threats to the Hamas government to the fact that they must make a commitment to nonviolence, except Israel and the now dead Road Map. Well here we go, when Israel is going to stop their continued violence against the Palestinian people, stop committing theft, lying, genocide, apartied, building the wall with expressed idea of the complete eradication of all Palestinians?

As for the previous agreements that you would have to go back and ask Israel why they either back out or walk a thin line between deceptions on their part. As for the Road Map, that was a doomed idea to begin with because it as I have seen showed no equality to the Palestinian people towards a real station of neither peace nor the homeland they deserve.

As for the American government continued slapping of the Hamas government, please do me a favor and stop kissing Israel’s behind!

As for this showing up in an Israeli News Wire, is really not surprising since they have their hearts bent of not letting the world know they are no better then the Nazi Regime they like to holler about when they do not get their way.


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