Thursday, November 23, 2006

During the last 3 weeks

More than 90 Palestinians were killed, 60 were unarmed civilians, including 16 children and 10 women.

The Occupation forces have escalated attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property. The occupation forces intensify their attacks on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun and committed a series of crimes.

ZOF continued their offensive (“Operation Autumn Clouds”) on the northern Gaza Strip town, which began on Wednesday morning, 1 November 2006. During the last first week of the month , 70 Palestinians were killed, 48 of whom are unarmed civilians, including 16 children, 10 women, two old people and two paramedics. This number also includes 17 members of one same family, who were killed when the occupation forces shelled their houses on 8 November 2006. In addition, at least 221 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 67 children and 58 women, were wounded. Thus, the number of Palestinians killed by OF since the beginning of the offensive on Beit Hanoun has mounted to 78 Palestinians, including 51 civilians. In addition, 262 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 75 children and 60 women, have been wounded. The occupation forces retreated from Beit Hanon with no achieving to the claimed aims of stopping the Qassam Rockets.

In the second week, on Sunday morning, 12 November 2006, IOF killed a Palestinian child, when they fired a surface-to-surface missile at a number of children. Two other children were wounded. Four Palestinians, including 3 civilians, died from previous wounds they had sustained during the OF offensive on the northern Gaza Strip. Also on Sunday morning, OF fired at a Palestinian civilian, who suffers from a psychological disorder, in the east of Khan Yunis, wounding him. Thus, the number of Palestinians killed by OF since the beginning of the offensive on the northern Gaza Strip has mounted to 83 Palestinians, including 54 civilians. In addition, 264 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 76 children and 60 women, have been wounded.

Also in the second week, OF launched 5 air strike on 4 houses and a commercial store in the Gaza City and Jabalya town. As a result, 3 of these houses and the store were destroyed and a number of neighboring houses were severely damaged. OF often warn residents of houses of their intention to attack them a very short time prior to the attack.

In the west Bank, on Tuesday, 14 November 2006, OF killed a member of the Palestinian resistance in ‘Ein Beit al-Maa’ refugee camp, west of Nablus. He bled to death as OF prevented ambulances from entering the camp for several hours. In addition, 13 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children, were wounded by the OF gunfire in the West Bank. Moreover, OF wounded and arrested a Palestinian in Ramallah, claiming that he was wanted.

The number increased when the occupation forces killed five Palestinians across the territories on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 including two civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Also Today, on Wednesday, Three teenage Palestinian girls were wounded by the occupation troops fire while walking beside their school in Beit Hanun.


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