Sunday, November 12, 2006

I Am Yet To Wonder

The corpse of a Palestinian tortured until dead by the Israelis. He was coiled blows, burned with a domestic iron, skinned sharp, and one drilled cranium to him several times.

November 12, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

Maybe these days because of so many martyrs or the countless graves over the years, but I am yet to wonder what day will the madness end?

There is people begging for the murders to stop and it goes unheeded, even with all the peace marches and organizations that have documented the horror’s that continue to be perpetrated in a land that will always be Palestine.

I happen to listen to part of a video yesterday, about a man who spoke about how the Jewish people invaded our country two times and took control forcibly for a time at the cost of people who has always lived on this land.

Remember the first time, the Jewish people ended up scattered to the four winds. Just like what the Zionist is attempting to do with the Palestinians or completely eradicate us from the earth.

I to was asked the other day, by my husband if anyone of my family was still alive and to be perfectly frank as far as I know over time my whole family is becoming the way of the sounds in the wind.

The whispers of a distant past, this is what it is to be a forced refugee or to have genocide forced on your people day after day for over a hundred years.

Martyrs of a war we never wanted.

I happen to see the picture above of another brother, victim to the horrors of Israeli torture and I kind of asked myself; for those who support these horror’s can you really sleep at night or how are you going to justify all those who have died when you answer the questions God will surely ask?

For those in the United States as well as Israel and the other countries supporting this madness, when will you have enough, when the fat lady sings and your countries look like Pompeii?

You may walk about now and gloat how you are fat cats and inner bullies, but in the end, you will end up a whisper in the wind too.

Finally, I am not just feeling the sorrows of just the Palestinians, but I think deep down in my heart; I can feel the sorrows of the whole world, for what this world is becoming.

For this, I am heartbroken.


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