Saturday, November 25, 2006

Iraqi Kid Runs For Water

And the American's wonder why they are not liked in Iraq?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is shocking. These americans suk.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you doing sister, i am from the group I4A (islam4allahusa) and we havent seen you in the group in a long time.


12:35 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

I thought it was kind of cruel, I wouldn't ran after these men.

2:50 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

Assalamu alaikum to you and everyone at Islam4Allah USA,

It seems I guess since MSN changed their format seemed to co-inside with my husband and I moving.

Then lately with me sleeping more then I am awake, waiting for the doctor to make up his mind on a liver infection and inshaallah our seventh child.

The family says I am pregnant; I look like it, we estimate I am about four months along.

Therefore, inshaallah the baby will be here in April.

I am guessing it is a boy, I am going to insist for an ultrasound when I go this coming Wednesday to the doctor’s, for now I am in bed a lot for I tire easy.

As for the computer, I am not here as much as I was, inshaallah please do not forget me and I will try to visit a little more often when I feel better.

Please take care,

Maa Salaama :D

3:14 AM  
Blogger Merete said...

HOW CRUEL!!! Those poor young kids, this should not be allowed! Thanks for sharing this video.

And good luck tomorrow! Thinking of you! :-)

11:08 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


I agree that the Americans where being cruel to the children this kind of thing should not be happening.
I wonder if they realize this kind of thing just makes them look worse in the eyes of the world besides the other things they have been accused of doing.

I know when I was a child, I would not have run after the truck; but look at them more in distain.

You are very welcome in me sharing; I always feel that people should actually see when I can what is really going on because it should stop.

It really hurts me that there is so much cruelty in the world and it is coming in so many forms.

Thank you too for wishing me luck on my doctor visit tomorrow, God willing it is all good and that you will be thinking of me.

I feel you and I are good friends and this is so nice. :D

6:40 PM  

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