Thursday, November 9, 2006

Lest You Have Forgotten

November 9, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

During this time of the Zionist atrocities again us Palestinians, I like many I am sure is somewhat taking a back seat for a moment to pray, contemplate and read the Quran in our mourning and distaste of the recent atrocities against all Palestinians.

Like I mentioned to my husband just a little time ago, when these kinds of heinous crimes are not stopped by man themselves of such evil as perpetrated by the Zionist and the back door of the American government as they sit back and do nothing attitude with not only Palestine but anywhere these kinds of crimes are happening. What tends to occur is Allah steps in and when He does, all criminals are slapped down with the up most weight.

Have we so soon forgotten the flood?

But what will make it worse the whole world will be in unrest and pay the price for their sin of do nothing attitude and if you think I am wrong, look around you as you walk through your day; you are already paying in little bits that you have now gotten use to and taken for granite.

As for those of you who support Israel and those Christian Zionist that think you will go through the back door among the Jewish Zionist and create the Apocalypse you are in grave error, because what you are attempting to create is not your salvation but your death.

Their was a man who was given a choice, did he wish all the riches in this life or save his own soul in Paradise. What he chose was to do good in this life because the riches in Paradise would far exceed what he had in this life and see hell after death.

Think about it!

By now you may be thinking she is just concerned for the welfare only of the Palestinian people, but the events as they keep unfolding in this time makes it more clear that the whole of humanity is in danger and for this I am more concerned for you are destroying yourself.


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