Wednesday, November 8, 2006

PLC member Rawia Shawwa: The Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun is "a massacre in every way"

November 7, 2006

Gaza - Ma'an - Palestinian Legislative Council member Rawia Shawwa has said that the Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip is "a massacre in every way".

She said the goal of the Israeli military campaign is "only to kill and destroy". She added that the Israeli leaders knew from the beginning that they would fail to achieve their goals.

The PLC member also condemned the USA's support for the Israeli operation in Beit Hanoun, saying that this is clear alignment with the Israeli position. "The US' position is not an impartial one", she said.

She also condemned the international silence and the Arab incapability to confront the Israeli crime.


Israeli army claims to be withdrawing from Beit Hanoun


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