Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Real Face of the Saddam Trial

Don't be fooled by a Kangaroo Court


by Housewife4Palestine

I had someone mention to me in regards to Saddam Hussein’s trial when I published the article of his sentence of death by hanging.

What point I had not expressed until now, as I did follow the trial was that it had all the appearance of a bias Kangaroo Court.

As I told them through the whole trial, I actually waited for the Kangaroo to come hoping through the courtroom with an American flag handing from its forefront, but alas, the Occupation Forces in Iraq attempted to keep their rhetoric in the background somewhat, unlike there other places in Iraq?

While I have no doubt that about 300,000 people died by Saddam’s order’s, I’m yet to see the American press or government tell the world why?

Did the American's coin the word, 'Patsy?'


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