Saturday, December 2, 2006

Israeli violations of ceasefire agreement within the last seven days

December 2, 2006

GazaMa'an - A newly-released report has revealed that Israeli violations of the ceasefire agreement, since its inception at 6am on Sunday 26th November, are ongoing and vary between killing, arrests and the demolishing of Palestinian houses in the Gaza Strip.

The report, which was prepared by Palestine today news, said that the West Bank cities and towns witnessed most of the Israeli violations. On the second day of the ceasefire, the Israelis killed a man and an old woman in Jenin, while two boys were killed on the fifth and the sixth days. A total of 130 Palestinians have been arrested, and many houses have been demolished, in addition to many incursions and forced entry campaigns.

Day one of the truce - Sunday 26th November

• Israelis arrest a man in Hebron city;
• Arrest one in Beituniya, near Ramallah;
• Four boys arrested in Abu Dis;
• One boy injured in 'Azzun, near Qalqilia

The second day – Monday 27th November

• The killing of the leader of the An Nasser Salah Addin Brigades in Qabatia, south of Jenin;
• The killing of an elderly lady, also in Qabatia;
• The arrest of six Fatah members in Nablus;
• The arrest of three Hamas members in Qalqilia;
• The arrest of two Hamas members in Ramallah;
• The arrest of three Hamas members in Hebron;
• The arrest of a Palestinian at the israeli barrier near Qalqilia,
• The arrest of three more in Nablus
• A military incursion into Bethlehem, and the arrest of another Palestinian.

The third day - Tuesday 28th November

• Israeli military incursion into Tulkarem, arrest three.
• The arrest of eleven Palestinians in Silat Harithiya near Jenin (mostly from one family),
• The demolition of two houses in 'Arabbuna, near Jenin;
• Assassination attempt against Palestinian activist in Qabatia, near Jenin;
• Incursion into As Samu, south of Hebron, launching a search campaign in the town
• Abduction of an activist from the Al Aqsa Brigades, and two other citizens in Qabatia

The fourth day - Wednesday 29th November

• Israeli artillery shelled the northern area of the Gaza Strip
• Israeli military incursion into the villages of Tulkarem, and a search campaign throughout the villages.
• Israeli special forces abducted Jihad Abu Khadir in Qalqilia.

The fifth day – Thursday 30th November

• The killing of a boy in Beita, south of Nablus;
• Invasion of Azza refugee camp in Bethlehem, and the arrest of 11 Palestinians;
• Incursion in Tuqu', south of Bethlehem, and the arrest of two citizens;
• The arrest of four people from Ash Shawawra, east of Bethlehem;
• The arrest of one person in the Karkafa area of the city of Bethlehem;
• Four arrested n Nablus;• Eight arrested in Ramallah;
• Four students arrested in Qarawat Bani Zaid, in the Ramallah area;
• Three arrested in the city of Hebron;
• Two boys arrested in 'Yabad, near Jenin;
• Five arrested in Nablus and Balata refugee camp;
• Israeli forces raided farms south of Tubas, forcing the farmers off the land;
• Israeli military forces closed the entrance of Tammun, harassing the citizens;
• Israeli military forces occupied the home of a citizen in 'Alar, turning it into a military post;
• Houses demolished in Kfar Etzion and Salfit;
• One boy arrested at Atarot barrier, north of Jerusalem;
• Military raid on Salfit, shooting at the houses of the citizens;
• Arrest of three Palestinians on the border with Egypt;
• Israeli military bulldozers demolish several houses and farmers houses north and east of Qalqilia;
• Bulldozers demolish the home of a Palestinian citizen in Wadi ar Rasha, near Qalqilia.

Sixth day – Friday 1st December

• The killing of a Palestinian in Hebron;
• A full-scale military operation in Asira, north of Nablus, and the arrest of 25 Palestinians in the town of Asira, and the city of Nablus;
• The arrest of a Palestinian citizen in Nablus;
• The arrest of a Palestinian citizen in ash-Shawawra in Bethlehem, and the theft of his money and gold jewelry;
• The arrest of a man in Bani Na'im, east of Hebron;
• The arrest of a man at the "Container" barrier, between Abu Dis and Bethlehem;
• The injury of a Palestinian boy in 'Azzun, near Qalqilia;
• The injury of a Palestinian boy in Sa'ir, north of Hebron;
• The arrest of two young men in Qalqilia;

The seventh day – Saturday 2nd of December (so far)

• Military campaign in many towns of the West Bank, and the arrest of many Palestinians.


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