Saturday, January 6, 2007

Abbas Bought With a Few American Coins

January 6, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

I must admit that Mahmoud Abbas with his Fatah henchmen can be bought at a cheap price 86.4 million dollars with two caches of arms given to them over the last few months, the last delivery just recently.

There are many recently, that are setting on the sidelines thinking Hamas when they are retaliating for several attempts on their life that they are the bad guy’s.

Abbas is what is known in Palestine as a collaborator, what makes it hard these days, he has gotten himself in a position of power and while he thinks he has sold his soul to help his people he has done just the opposite. Because you cannot side with the enemy and your own people, it does not work that way.

Usually when a person becomes a collaborator or even a better word a traitor to his own people, the penalty is death.

While I will admit if your are attempting some negotiable peace treaty that is one thing, but with the two arms deals to overthrow Hamas, this is not what appears to be going on.

Right now with Hamas, which is the legal government in Palestine, is having to butt heads with Abbas and the Fateh it would more look like what the West calls a civil war.

However, in truth, it is Abbas being a traitor and selling out his own people for a few coins and many empty promises.


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