Hamas warns of Israeli attempts to bury future Palestinian state

25 January 2007
Gaza - Hamas Movement has absolutely rejected Wednesday the new Israeli scheme of implementing new security plan similar to the "Marshal Plan" in the Palestinian territories, adding that sending European troops into the Palestinian lands as part of that plan is vehemently rejected by all Palestinian sectors.
The Movement also accused the Hebrew state of attempting to defile landmarks of the future Palestinian state through that plan.
"It became obvious that the Israeli occupation government was and still is trying to disregard Palestinian legal rights and aspirations" said Fawzi Barhoum, the spokesman of Hamas in Gaza Strip in an exclusive interview with the PIC Wednesday.
He added that every time the Palestinian factions are close to reach national consensus; Israel invents new initiatives and plans to abort any possible Palestinian national harmony, and to maintain divisiveness in the Palestinian street.
An Israeli academic close to Israeli premier Ehud Olmert authored the initiative that calls for the dispatching of tens of thousands of European troops into the PA-run lands with the aim of disbanding Palestinian resistance factions, and collecting "illegal" firearms before establishing Palestinian army and police in full coordination with Israel to work side-by-side with a Palestinian civil administration.
Barhoum mocked the plan, affirming that Hamas won't accept partitioning of the future Palestinian state, asserting that the Israeli occupation government was wasting the time in presenting more and more plans with the aim to create resistance-free, and weak Palestinian community.
The spokesman, furthermore, explained that international forces were sent to Palestine prior to 1967; yet, unfortunately they did nothing good for the Palestinian people, and instead, they stopped the Palestinian resistance at that time, which, he underlined, the Palestinian factions now aren’t ready to accept.
"The Palestinian people have clear and sound political horizon and ambitions ", Barhoum asserted, expressing hopes that such "malicious" Israeli plans will be confronted with united Palestinian front that would preserve the resistance till occupation ends.
For his part, Palestinian legislator Dr. Salah Al-Bardaweel of Hamas warned that there were external parties "working in the dark", and conspiring to abort the ongoing Palestinian national dialogue in Gaza city.
But he indicated that all Palestinian factions participated in Tuesday's meeting were sincere in reaching a national understanding that would end internal disputes in the Palestinian arena and unite the Palestinian people.
"The agreement on a number of crucial matters within few hours, per se, reflects the collective desire of the Palestinian factions to let the ship sail safely", Bardaweel marked.
He added "A committee was formed after the session, and was commissioned to formulate the new political program of the PA coalition government based on the national harmony document which the factions agreed-upon before presenting it to the next session on Friday".
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