Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Muslim Who Smiled For the Christian

January 27, 2007

by Housewife4Palestine

It is not often I talk about things I do in my life when it comes to charity.

However, in this instance I thought it would give a better understanding of the Palestinians as not just humanitarians, but as a people.

Also, sharing and aspect of Islam.

One of the few times I do go shopping these days, I was at a book stall and a very nice looking woman came up beside me and just keep looking and me with what appeared to be shyness at first. It was obvious she was pregnant and so I struck up a conversation with her.

As it turned out, she was a Christian woman that not only was pregnant she had four other children at home.

In my understanding, she needed help because she had lost her husband and did not know how she was to care for her children as well as the one that is coming in a few months.

Not fully understanding why people like herself did not seem to wish to help her, I offered to help her because of the situation and hardships she was faced with.

We went and I purchased coffee for us, so we could sit, talk over all that was going on towards what I could do for her. She asked much advice as well as tells me about herself. Before I knew it, we had talked for a few hours.

I mentioned to her, I would get back to her and see what we could do with my husband’s help.

I talked to husband later in the day and explained about this woman. He said it was no problem to help her and knew exactly what he could do. It would take him a little time to do all she asked of us, but she would be safe and cared for.

What is interesting at sometime in her past, she had needed some kind of help before and she knew the Palestinian people would help her, where it seemed as I mentioned before no one else would.

This is one of those times that I thank Allah, for the people we meet walking through life.


Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Thank you very much; I was hoping it would help explain something about us. That some of the negative perceptions about us is not correct.

You as well as myself I am sure have heard them, I do not know how you feel, but for me it hurt’s sometime.

The woman I wrote about wished to be my friend.

While I could not mention all her troubles and I am sure you understand; I wish sometimes, I could make everyone’s troubles just go away.

6:50 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


These days I am taking more time thinking, I think partly for lack of a better explanation I had to stand on one side of the wall while other people was on the other side, like you. So in turn, many people I had never met until I came into cyberspace.

I have learned many things and I have even met people away from the net as well, that is so vastly different from myself.

Their was even a time when you and I probably wouldn’t have even spoken one word to each other, because of this wall between us which I am finding was in many ways sad to me.

I agree you are right about government’s because even I have met some American’s as well as people from the allies countries that do not except what their government is doing as correct.

While some have listened to the propaganda, many have wished to know the real truth and while when I first started this page I dealt with facts because that is what I understood; not those people like yourself standing on the other side trying like myself to peek some way around the wall.

You get so used to being mistreated and so many times close to being killed to the point, you cannot count any more how many times, that you forget that not everyone is trying hurt you.

Then you meet good people and you can have hope.

2:31 AM  

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