Wednesday, February 7, 2007

British film crew threatened by drunken settler in Hebron

“...We Killed Jesus and We are proud of it…” We are going to kill you and the Palestinians..."

Tel Rumeida is a small Palestinian neighborhood deep in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Palestinian families from whom these settlers occupied lands, live directly next to these settlers and are often virtual prisoners in their homes, subject to the settlers' violent attacks and destruction of property.


Blogger Karin said...

These brats need a MAJOR attitude adjustment - I hope people who have an OPEN mind recognize WHO the terrorist is ... and who the victim!
The IOF looks on, the other way - and does nothing! These terrorists have free hand ... to - together with others - make life hell on earth for an entire population!!

I'd have some ideas as to what to do with them ... rest assured, they would NOT like that!

6:55 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...

I love Munich,

I do not think I could have put it better, what got me was the profanity, hate and drunkeness.

They sounded like nothing but kill happy and to be honest what they deserve or owed is a good kick in the bottom.

6:59 AM  

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