Hebrew sources: IOF troops gear up for large-scale invasion to Gaza Strip
February 4, 2007
Occupied Jerusalem - The Hebrew daily Haaretz newspaper said on Sunday that the IOF troops were gearing up for possible military invasion to the densely populated Gaza Strip.
The paper alleged that the Israelis were worried that the inter-Palestinian fighting would spell into “Israel”.
But Palestinian analysts opined that the invasion, if it takes place, aims at supporting the mutiny trend of MP Mohammed Dahalan against Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip.
Weeks ago, high-ranking IOF officers affirmed that the IOF troops will immediately intervene and attack the Strip if the mutiny trend appeared to be defeated at the hands of Hamas, and vowed full protection for Dahalan.
However, the paper quoted IOF officers as saying that the invasion wasn’t urgent, at least at the moment, and that it will be part of a contingency plan in case Palestinian resistance fighters prevailed in Gaza Strip.
Director-general of the Israeli foreign ministry Aharon Abramovich acknowledged that the Israeli occupation government was “passing through hard interval, and that it was closely monitoring what is happening in Gaza Strip.
Israel, according to the Palestinian analysts, fears possible victory of Hamas and the resistance trend over that mutiny trend in Gaza Strip, and that it would completely dominate it which would jeopardize Israeli and American plans in the region.
The USA is strongly participating in the conspiracy against Hamas and the PA government it leads as it released 86 million dollars to forces loyal to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas in the hope that the money will strengthen those forces in beating Hamas.
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Being Palestinian, while I am flattered, I do not think I would be the right person to work on a nice page such as the one you mentioned.
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